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Messages - Mathias (Author)

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Script / Re: 7-zip profiles vs cmd line 7-zip?
« on: Today at 13:00:47 »
Not sure I understand what you ar doing.. packing each file in a folder and subfolders into its own 7z archive ?

Script / Re: 7-zip profiles vs cmd line 7-zip?
« on: February 07, 2025, 17:05:00 »
Currently MC is using the default value when compressing using 7Zip.. It is on the list to allow for modifying them. I just pushed that forward since building a UI for that is boring.

I will se If I get the time to put some time to it. It been high on the list for a while.

If you use the cmd line exe I think the compression level is -mx9 for maximum.
but there are other related setting to for it that affect compression (make sure you scroll down to 7z.. )

Support and Feedback / Re: Can not move some files
« on: February 04, 2025, 10:36:09 »
Yes maybe..
Does it say anything more about the error in the FileOperatiopn Log ? (Ctrl+L, then click the fileoperation tab)

Beta Releases / Re: v14.6 BETA
« on: February 03, 2025, 07:52:30 »
You mean 3066 and not 3064 :)
ah yes 3066

Beta Releases / Re: v14.6 BETA
« on: January 31, 2025, 12:49:34 »
Thanks for the update Mathias. ;)

I noticed after the update today b3064, that the filesize output is missing from the bottom left of the panel.  (Where I have put a yellow box on the image)
Tried restart, no luck. Has a setting been lost or is it broken?

This is the Selection Status Area in MC explorer panel settings, yes? Still cannot get it to show anything , Win11 Explorer does show these details OK in Status Bar.
I wondered if enable/disable freespace display would do anything but it didn't.
I guess a clean re-install is next...  :-\

I notice my self yesterday. I had temporary removed that, and forgot to put it back..
I new beta will be out tonight

Beta Releases / Re: v14.6 BETA
« on: January 30, 2025, 16:07:06 »
that is currently not customizable.
Been thinking to maybe add so it can be. problem is that some of the dark UI component are styled by Windows. So there is not full control of the colors in all places.
And if I enable so colors can be customizable people are going to complain why they can't change color at place X.

Paste works..But looks like it is 'Copy' that does not work.

Highlights break on space, So if you need to highlight part that have space in beginning and end. you need to put in with quotes
and Find trim space at beginning and end.
I understand the issue if you want to find a text with space at beginning. But I also know that sometimes when you copy/paste something with space at beginning / end you expect it to ignore it.
I will think about it. And see if I want to change behaviour

There is no option for that..  that scenario is not supported since it is very inefficient to do so..

No.. If MC should support search it would have to download the file first. so that would be very inefficient.

Some FTP server do support search on the server side with special "Site" commands. But they are not standard.
For example. som FTP server you can do "site find *.txt -contains """ and then you get the result in the FTP Log. But the exakt search command is different for all FTP Server and only few of them support it

Beta Releases / Re: v14.6 BETA
« on: January 25, 2025, 10:40:49 »
  ADDED - MC will set enovirment variables for the MC EXE and Path. So all programs MC start will see this enviroments variables.

Thanks for adding this!
However, what are then names of this environments?

I checked MultiCommander.exe process in Process Explorer and I see those:

(The same as Total Commander)



I will use those MULTICOMMANDER_*
Question. Why you also added variables with the same name as Total Commander does?

Yes Added the TC one for compbability reason for now. they might be removed.

Beta Releases / Re: v14.6 BETA
« on: January 24, 2025, 18:28:52 »
Let me know any issue you have with the SFTP/SCP extension.
Normal UserName/Password login should work

No wait. No I was not testing the develop version.

v14.5 (Build 3054) - Fresh Portable, no modification.
And it work..  Pause/Abort and copy to / from phone..

Strange.  do you get it always or just sometimes ?

Forget what I said. I was testing the wrong version.

It is actually fix in my develop version..Looks like it was fixed when I fixing something else.

I can't reproduce this.
I can both pause and abort transfer. Both To and From mobil device.

Starting copy both via Hotkey or DragAndDrop.

Maybe the FSPortable extension is old in your setup. Support for this was added in 14.3 or 14.4 when parts of that plugin was rewritten.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: button panel area
« on: January 23, 2025, 13:21:30 »
You can defined up to 4 commands for each button

Ctrl / Middle mouse button
Shift / Right mouse button

You can also turn off this feature all together if it annoys you
As Jungle say.. You edit and modify them in the button edit.

Script / Re: script does not open new window anymore
« on: January 22, 2025, 18:16:57 »
Have not check yet But if you run multiple custom command. the script type must be multiscript.

But you should be able to do all in one go.


Code: [Select]
MC.Explorer.NewBrowser PATH="FTP:\" SIDE=TARGET

Think I found issue. Should report correct error now in all situation.

Temp copy to local is coming.. ( I need for some other situations too. but it will not come in the next release.. maybe next after..)

Support and Feedback / Re: Proper column sizing in List view
« on: January 20, 2025, 09:15:44 »
There are changes planed in the future for the list view. But not so that filename column is totally automatic.  I prefer to have the filename width be changable.  If I got 200 files.  190 of them are around 15 char.  but 10 of them have long 80char. Then I get a width that is WAY to long for most files.

If I understand correctly, you want to make an implementation where each column in List mode is as wide as its longest file name. That would result in columns that are not all of the same width. I don't know how would that look, aesthetically. Also at different events, like window resize for example, or creation of new objects, everything would have to be recalculated. If there are many files, it might be slow.
Ehh What.. Noo, I'm not talking abourt future stuff.  Im taking about why I do not want the auto size filename column that can't be changes like in TC, Currently in MC you can resize the filename width your self, And change that to work like TC. I think that would work worse instead of better

I don't do changes in MC based on what TC does, MC is not trying to be a clone of TC.  they are similar in many things. but I don't base features in MC on what TC do. If MC would be a clone of TC then there would be no point spending time developing MC.
MC does not have to be a clone of TC. I did not imply that. But it is hard to ignore the fact that TC is very widely used and can stand as a reference. To clone, as you say, means to copy everything. On the other hand, what I was saying in my post was to observe what others have done right. And TC has done a lot of them right. All those TC users are more likely to find a comfortable home in MC if they find familiar things. It is common sense to think that most people want to reuse what they already know and then learn a little extra, than to learn everything from the ground up when they change a software.
In a world where long file names, modification date and time are very important, you cannot have a List mode that leaves the user without seeing any of them properly.
Yes TC is used by many. MC is not. TC is commercial product, and must try to catch as many users as possible. I don't care about how many users I have. I developed MC mainly for my own needs, I don't make any money on MC. I have a day job.
MC is developed on my spare time, so I have to priorities what to spend time on. :)
I just get annoyed when people compare mc with other products. specially commercial.. The biggest reason MC is missing something is because I have not needed it. :)
But I do add stuff I never use my self. I got a long list of things to add and many of them are things I will never use my self. But it is more fun to add stuff I use my self. So things I use my self are higher priorities.

Support and Feedback / Re: Column autosizing in List view
« on: January 20, 2025, 07:56:06 »
So in List mode it is important to:
- calculate the proper column width, so the size of the columns would be equal to the size of the longest name in the list, plus its extension;
- ignore the header (the one with Name, Ext, Size, Date). In List mode the header is there only for sorting, not for width;
- show the most important properties of the file to the user. Since the size, the date and the time of the file are not shown in columns in the panel, thay have to be shown somewhere: under the table. Otherwise you leave the user to fly blind.

List mode exists to allow the user to navigate easily through files. Notably, to be able to use the left_arrow and right_arrow, keys that do not work in Details mode.

Please see the screenshots attached. I highlighted the most important parts in colors red, green, blue.

TC ignores the header (red) and calculates the column width after the longest name+ext (green) and shows useful properties of the selected object (blue). The result? The user can easily see the full length of the names, and also under the table there is the size, date and time of the selected file. All is good. All the other orthodox file managers do this.

MC makes the header (red) and the column (green) equal in width. This makes no sense, it defeats the whole purpose of List mode. The result? The user cannot see all the long names because thay are truncated, and has no simple way of seeing the size, date and time of the object under the cursor at a glance, because under the table MC shows statistics of the selected files, less important info. :-\

There are changes planed in the future for the list view. But not so that filename column is totally automatic.  I prefer to have the filename width be changable.  If I got 200 files.  190 of them are around 15 char.  but 10 of them have long 80char. Then I get a width that is WAY to long for most files.

I don't do changes in MC based on what TC does, MC is not trying to be a clone of TC.  they are similar in many things. but I don't base features in MC on what TC do. If MC would be a clone of TC then there would be no point spending time developing MC.

That I can't reproduce. I can only reproduce it using Drag and drop.
Might be fixed so dialog is shown. Fixing to uncompress to temp in the future some day. That is directly a quick fix. It require a lot of work and I got other thing in the pipe before that. and Time I get to work on MC is also limited.

Using F5 it shows the dialog.. Drag and drop do not show it because it gets in using another way..

Forgot that people uses the mouse to do copy.
Think it is becuse you use drag n drop.. Drag to copy do so much more (so that it can be dragged externally and so on..) so it mess something up I guess..

Strange I can not make that happened..

Strange, if I navigate into the zip and start a copy operation to WPD, I get the dialog saying it it not possible.
Not sure what you did to get around that

No, unsupported senario.
WPD does not support stream read/writes.. it only support Upload/Download to WPD device from/to local disk.

Automatic middle storage on local drive (%temp%) and then copy to Extension is planed.

Btw you should get a dialog saying "Operation is not support supported for this fs/archive"
How did you start the copy operation ?

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