« on: April 02, 2019, 22:54:07 »
- Start in the right panel a search which takes a long time and list result in RES1
- Close/hide search config window
- Select in the left panel RES1 -> the text "A filesystem scan is already running for this path..." appears
- Select in the same panel C: again -> I expected to see the files from C:\ but the text "A filesystem scan is already running.." stays on the screen
- Start in the right panel a search which takes a long time and list result in RES1
- Close/hide the search config window
- Click in the right panel where the search is running on the x to close the RES1 panel
- The gui blocks (till the search ends ?) and then the panel is closed but the text "Searching.." (bottom right) is still shown
- Start in the right panel a search and list result in RES1
- When that search has ended make a few duplicates of the RES1 tab with ctrl+T
- Now start a new long running search and list result in RES1
- In the existing RES1 panels no text is shown that a filesystem scan is running.
- Press ctrl+T again on a RES1 panel, in the new RES1 panel the text "scanning filesystem.." is shown
- Press ctrl+T again on a RES1 panel, in the new RES1 panel the text "A filesystem scan is already running.." appears
- start/pause/stop button while the search is running
- button to open then search config like in the previous search panel
- multiple searches simultaneous would be nice to have