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Topics - ags

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Support and Feedback / Small typo in tip of the day #29
« on: January 17, 2025, 14:58:35 »
See screenshot.

Trying to uncompress from a zip file to a phone. The zip file is on local storage.
The zip file is not the issue, it does this for any zip file.

MC throwh this cryptic message: Unknown Error (0).

FileOperations Log says this:
2025-01-16 17:28:38.886 Unable to open target file : WPD:\ONEPLUS A5000\Internal shared storage\Installs\[***].apk ( Error code : 0, Internal Error Code : 0)
2025-01-16 17:28:38.886 Handle file Operations error : 0 (0) -

That's a lot of zeroes all over the log, haha! ;)

Mathias, do you think it is related to the fact that you upgraded the zip plugin lately because of my bug report with the empty directories packing?

Using v14.6.3056

Copying data from local storage to MTP device (phone).
The pause button to pause the operation has no effect, copying continues uninterrupted.

I made a video showing the problem:

I know it is winter now, but please allow advanced find files dialog to get some tan :))

I was copying some files from source to destination.
MC asked if I want to overwrite.
In the dialog with the grey background below, in the bottom left there is a "Need Help?".
If pressed, the user is taken to the second screenshot, in the browser, to a link that is hardcoded in MC that reads "Empty".

Well, if MC want to be nice and offers help, it should follow through to the end and take the user to that help.  :)
Otherwise that "Need Help?" doesn't really justify its existence. :)

Support and Feedback / [Closed] Windows registry keys
« on: January 01, 2025, 14:37:02 »
Using build 3054, portable mode.

Refer to the picture attached.
When started for the first time on a fresh Windows install, MC creates the key "MultiCommander" (the arrow labeled 1 in the picture). Note there is no space between the words.
After using the update feature, which by the way is very nice and well implemented, MC creates another key named "Multi Commander"  (the arrow labeled 2 in the picture). There is a space between the words.

I have looked around the site and in the front page title it is writtent without a space, but around the site it is written with a space. So it is not clear what the official spelling might be.

Anyway, back to the registry. Is there a reason for two keys? I think all MC config could be gathered under one key, no?
Just decide one or the other. It is a fairly easy correction.

User creates a *.zip archive ("Internal zip" packing profile is selected) out of some files and directories; some of the directories are empty.

Observed behavior
MC does not pack the empty directories into the archive, they are ignored.
Also, if only empty directories are selected, MC creates an invalid zip file - no header, no nothing, 0 bytes.

Requested behavior
MC should respect the user's choice of data they want to pack. If there are empty directories selected for packing, they should be also found in the archive.

- user downloads a file (
- user also downloads the checksum for the above file (

Observed behavior
- MC does not recognize hash file extensions other than *.md5

Requested behavior
- please add other extensions, like *.sha, *.sha1,*.sha256, *.sha512. So the user can check the *.iso by pressing <Enter> on the hash file.

There is an error, recommending to report it to an administrator.

Using MultiCommander_win32_Portable_(

Panel working in "List" mode. Objects ordered by name.
User enters an archive. MC places the cursor right above the objects in the archive, on the [..] sign.
User exits the archive and renames it, adding a character at the end of its name, for example.

Observed result
User enters the same archive again. MC places the cursor on the last object of the archive. This is always reproducible.
In one case of archive I tested though, the cursor was placed one object before last, but I don't know why was MC behavior different on that archive.
The type of the archive doesn't seem to matter - I tried zip, 7z.

Desired result
The cursor should be always placed on the [..] sign.

PS: This weird behavior happens only once after rename, in all the subsequent archive openings the cursor is on [..] position. So if after rename the user enters the archive 5 times, the first time the cursor is down, all the other times the cursor is up.

I just noticed similar behavior when renaming folders

Support and Feedback / Is there a way to change the status bar?
« on: November 22, 2024, 18:06:56 »
In Speed Commander the status bar can be edited in a very convenient and professional way.

Is there a way to do that in Multi Commander?
I am asking this because in List view mode Multi Commander does not show the much needed and useful info about the file under cursor, like the other orthodox file managers do.

Support and Feedback / Unpack files function
« on: November 08, 2024, 15:44:24 »
Hello!  :)

Need to unpack files in directories that have the same name as the archive.
There is a check box for this, but it looks like it is greyed-out and cannot be used.

Support and Feedback / Archive testing function
« on: November 08, 2024, 12:18:07 »
Using build 3026.
There are some problems with the archive testing function.

1. There is no way for the users to know what archive they are testing if they move away from that archive. When I have many archives with similar names, and also multitask other things, it's useful to see the archive being tested.

2. In dark theme, MC shows black text on a dark background. Hard to read.

3. When testing is interrupted with ESC key, MC shows:
- that archive is 100% tested in the title bar, which is untrue, even though the progress bar is not at 100%
- a window informing the user that there are no errors, which MC has no way of knowing, because the operation did not finish. It could happen that the archive is corrupted but MC shows it is fine.

Support and Feedback / Proper column sizing in List view
« on: November 04, 2024, 14:56:56 »
Using build 3026 in List view mode.
Sorting and Columns -> Autosize columns is checked.

I have a lot of files with long names that I need to be able to see.

Expected behavior
MC would set the "Name" column width after the longest file/directory name. Or, if the name is very long, the width of the "Name" column would be equal to the width of the panel.

Obvserved behavior
MC badly truncates every name of my files and I can't read the information stored there. Why is this?

I use Multi Commander portable and I like how small it is. To make it even smaller, I delete the files of languages I do not use. Unfortunately, MC treats the language list as a static one, so they still appear in Language combobox in Core Settings.

Proposed implementation: make MC smarter by dynamically inserting at startup values in the combobox of only the files that exist in the Languages directory.

Support and Feedback / Optimization in List view
« on: July 29, 2023, 08:03:48 »
Firstly, thank you for this program, I really like how small it is on the disk and how well it's files are organized.

Regarding the use of keyboard, it is much simpler to navigate a long list of files using the arrow keys. But in Details mode the left and right arrows do not work.

To fix this I switch the panel to List mode. All the arrows work but then item creation and size is not displayed anywhere as the user passes with the cursor over them. They should be seen, they are important. Maybe in the bottom bar, which is only useful when user selects some files?

Offtopic 1: in the upper right corner of the forum, the news is that v12.8 is released and I am using v13 :)

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