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Messages - User_99

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Support and Feedback / Hover Data Preview
« on: December 08, 2022, 15:36:05 »
Hi Mathias,

sometimes - especially when I want to show pictures in right tab and file near the edge - the hover window is above the next file I want to preview. Is it possible to display the preview window - depending on the cursor position - on the other tab?

And a small graphic glitch: There is a blank character between "Vergangene Zeit" and " : "
Looks like this space is hardcoded, because in language file (item iid="985") shows only the text, but not ":"
Can that be fixed?
Fixed, thx :)

Support and Feedback / Re: Windows 11 oddities
« on: November 21, 2022, 17:41:10 »
There is really not much different between how WI10 and 11 works.. 11 is 10.1 with new taskbar
But the small things makes the difference. See my post about Context menu for text files...

OK, also a solution ;)
Thx for the explanation.

Hi Mathias,

small glitch in default DataPreviewTemplates_tpl.xml

Line 102:        <Text Column="0" Row="4" ColSpan="2" Text="${MCPictureProp.img_dimensions}" />
Line 103:        <Text Column="0" Row="4" ColSpan="2" Text="${MCPictureProp.fnum} ${MCPictureProp.exposure} ${MCPictureProp.exposurebias}" />

Text is displayed overlapping. Think code should be:

Line 102:        <Text Column="0" Row="4" Text="${MCPictureProp.img_dimensions}" />
Line 103:        <Text Column="1" Row="4" Text="${MCPictureProp.fnum} ${MCPictureProp.exposure} ${MCPictureProp.exposurebias}" />

ColSpan="2" removed and "1" instead of "0" in line 103

Beta Releases / Re: MC v12.7.2917 BETA
« on: November 10, 2022, 20:41:57 »
Any changes in some dialogues?

Ok, tried it again with a clean Windows 11 installation. No other editor ex. UltraEdit, .. installed
Only latest MC installed - and item is not available.

So Mathias, on your Windows 11 client, what ate your reg items for txt-files?


Beta Releases / MC v12.7.2917 BETA
« on: November 05, 2022, 16:39:35 »
Hi Mathias,

something special to test?

Hard to say why they do not show up for you. I get them to show up on all my machines.
I have the item in Windows 10, but not in Windows 11. Clean install...

Which OS version do you use for "all my machines"

Support and Feedback / App Fotos - Windows 11 22H2 22621.755
« on: November 05, 2022, 15:41:42 »
Hi Mathias,

use latest Beta...

When I open in MC a picture folder - ex. M:\Bilder\Kontakte\HQ\ - and open a picture with new Windows App Photos (Fotos 2022.31100.24013.0) I cannot scroll to next picture with mouse wheel.
See pic: MC open a picture - no scrolling.png

If I do the same via Windows Explorer I CAN scroll to next picture.
See pic: Explorer open a picture - scrolling.png
Also I see the filmstrip (next pictures in the folder) - which is not available when I do the same process in MC

Hi Mathias,

possible to get last string for translation in menu>help: Multi Commander on facebook ?

And a small graphic glitch: There is a blank character between "Vergangene Zeit" and " : "
Looks like this space is hardcoded, because in language file (item iid="985") shows only the text, but not ":"
Can that be fixed?

Thx for your effort.

Hi, unfortunately not.

Installed MC on three clean Windows 11 systems and got there the same behaviour...


Thx very much for you're effort. Will check the keys.

Think your're using Windows 10?

Do you have the complete key for me?

Thx for your suggestion.

For HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.bmp\ShellNew\

the Key (type REG_EXPAND_SZ) name is: ItemName

data is : @%SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe,-470

Unfortunatelly it won't work. Reg keys are available, but still missing in context menu.

Found some forum posts for other file commanders like TC or FreeCommander from users with same problem. In both cases the developers solved the problem.

Hint/TC Changelog: Still no entry for .txt files in Context menu-New submenu on Windows because the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\txtfilelegacy was missing a (default) value = description

I really don't know what this "default value" could be.

OK, these items are not available.

What is the correct syntax eg. for .txt?

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Support and Feedback / Context menu "new" Windows 11 22H2 22621.521
« on: September 30, 2022, 16:53:08 »
Hi Mathias,

first pic is default Windows Explorer menu, second is MultiCommander menu.
Miss some items for "new"
1. Bitmap
2. Text file

Hint: Clean install of Windows 11 - no upgrade from Windows 10

Miss three strings: Context menu for "Use Column Layout"

Btw "Save current layout as default" in WIndows 11 21H2 won't work for new tabs. Settings are only used for opened tabs, but not for new ones.

Support and Feedback / Re: V12 - Archive extracting counter wrong
« on: August 30, 2022, 20:07:43 »
Mark all files, move from right tab to left tab, use Context menu, Extract...

Very Strange. I do not get it to show extra files. 
I select files and show context menu and do unpack (it shows same unpack dialog as File Menu > Unpack
unpacking a rar with 5 files  it say 5 of 5.. and one with 1 files  is 1 of 1, and selecting them both and I get 6 of 6

Edit: Ok I think I been able to repo it.. I don't get it everything..
Correct, I do it the same way. It happens not all the time.

Chech your settings in Explorer Panel settings... Remember only paths to local hard drive. (Network paths will go back to C:\)

Support and Feedback / Re: V12 - Archive extracting counter wrong
« on: August 22, 2022, 09:54:04 »
Mark all files, move from right tab to left tab, use Context menu, Extract...

Support and Feedback / Re: V12 - Archive extracting counter wrong
« on: August 21, 2022, 16:00:06 »
Many archives with one file each archive.

Now again: 10 rar files - counting from 1 to ten and process is not finished. Extracted all files and counter stops at 19

Support and Feedback / Re: V12 - Archive extracting counter wrong
« on: August 20, 2022, 16:17:17 »
Sorry, was RAR

Yes via registry key. Make a Google search and you will find a lot of guides to solve your question.

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