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Messages - User_99

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Support and Feedback / V12 - Archive extracting counter wrong
« on: August 12, 2022, 17:32:04 »
Small glitch: When archive extracting is finished, counter is wrong.

Hi Mathias,

miss one last string for translation in that menu: Multi Commander on facebook

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * RC *
« on: August 06, 2022, 21:12:20 »
Ref 12.0 b2901 x64 (Win10)

Had couple of incidents today after updating to this build
1 - right clicked on a file, dialog opened & MC locked completely, rest of system continued normally - killed via TM
2 - inserting a USB stick I have been using this week w/out issue, locked MC up for several minutes, killed/restarted MC & removed/reinserted the stick got round it.  Stick checked out Ok on Win10 diagnostics/repair.
So far all fine here. Finger crossed ;)

Great, translation for "Password required" etc. is fixed. Thx

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * RC *
« on: August 06, 2022, 08:48:10 »
How many times did that happen?

Ok, good to know. Thx.
Will wait what you can do and update strings later. Maybe it's a good decision to be more general.

Zip-dialog profile setting ist fixed now. Thx.

Translation for "Password required" and "This archive require a password to be opened. Please enter password." is available but not used for that dialog.

The strings are new and should be used:
    <item iid="2165" text="Passwort erforderlich"/>
    <item iid="2166" text="Dieses Archiv kann nur mit einem Passwort geöffnet werden. Bitte geben Sie jetzt das Passwort ein."/>

But instead these are really used:
    <item iid="2160" text="Passworteingabe notwendig"/>
    <item iid="2161" text="Die Datei oder das Archiv ist passwortgeschützt."/>

Is this a bug?
UPDATE: Think it depends which archiv format is used. For .7z I have the behavior described above.
For .RAR I got the new strings, but need more space. See pic MC Archiv extracting PW 2.png

BTW, need some addition strings for that process for "canceld by user" and "wrong PW entered" dialog. Than all is finished for handling zip ;)

Miss some strings for a new setting. Thx

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: July 17, 2022, 10:13:45 »
Counter is sometimes - not always! - wrong ;)
Moved 4 files...

Also sometimes a problem with encrypted rar archives. Could this be a behaviour of an older unrar.dll?
After enter the password - the password dialog is back again or got an empty window.
Open with Winrar all is fine.

A lot fixed, thx.

Not fixed:
Menu Help - Multi Commander on facebook
Windows/Dialogue "About" > Title "About"
Button Editor: "Don't show again"
Plugin / Extension Picture tools > "Close"
Plugin / Extension Picture tools > "- Picture Tools"

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: July 08, 2022, 14:08:45 »
Thx for the new Beta :)
When I interrupt the unpacking process - eg. click on "Cancel" for a password protected archiv, I get the following message. Click on "OK" shows this message again. Sometimes three times.
Tested with latest beta and bug is already there.

Update: It works for first time. When I cancel the operation again, the message pop up three times.

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: July 03, 2022, 10:24:03 »
Thx for the new Beta :)

When I interrupt the unpacking process - eg. click on "Cancel" for a password protected archiv, I get the following message. Click on "OK" shows this message again. Sometimes three times.

When I interrupt the unpacking process, I get the following message:

Miss some strings while archiv extracting...
UPDATE: Fixed, thx.

How does this belongs to MultiCommander?

Nevermind, what happens if you send these imsges to Google search?

New: Picture MC copy dialog.png >> Miss the string for that item. << FIXED
FIXED: MultiRename: Button to small for translation.

Update: Possible to get more space for translation in this area? >> Much better, but ... ;)
FIXED: Thx very much

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: June 11, 2022, 18:47:38 »
Nice update.
Can we get more space for all text in hover window?
Sometimes the text is cut off. See attachments please.
Update: FIXED, Thx

For me PDF files are shown in an empty preview window...

Possible to get more space for translation in this area?

Miss some strings for translation ;)
Update: FIXED, thx!

Support and Feedback / Re: Plugin / Extension "Picture tool"
« on: June 06, 2022, 19:33:55 »
No, the pic is about 7 MB
But the pic uses 1,2 GB in RAM!

Your assumption about image library could be a reason.

I usually use another tool for resizing, but I like the idea doing this in MC more ;)

Great, thx very much

In the replacement process, the translation is not displayed correctly. Only when an action is clicked, the translation is correct again.
Read: / Write : is shown still I click e.g. 'Überscheiben' (Overwrite)

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: June 05, 2022, 22:31:00 »
This was my idea for these symbols ;)

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: June 05, 2022, 15:43:05 »
Hover Data Preview-feature is really nice.
How about these icon set for this feature?

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: June 03, 2022, 15:42:15 »

The icon you proposed above is much better then in beta version :-)

Anyway, there is some issue with keyboard shortcuts.
Since years I have F2 for rename, and F7 for new folder. In newest beta something has changed, please see attached screen. Even if shortcut is wrong, F2 and F7 is working correctly, there is only visualization issue in button panel.

After MC start same visual behaviour -  shortcut for F2 and F7  is wrong shown, but are working correctly. When I use CTRL + B twice all is shown correctly again...

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