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Topics - commander

Pages: [1]
Support and Feedback / How to add Favorite Pairs
« on: May 16, 2024, 02:50:08 »
 Sometimes two folders are related, and they are only used when both sides are open. Is there a way to create a folder pair

Support and Feedback / How to Drop&Run?
« on: May 16, 2024, 02:42:08 »
Windows Explorer accepts dragging a file onto another executable, putting the file path in the argument and executing it. Can Multi Commander do this? I've tried Alt, Ctrl, Shift, but it doesn't work.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / support for \\wsl$ ?
« on: March 06, 2022, 10:08:44 »
MC can't find \\wsl$, but it can find \\wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04\
Windows File Explorer will show all subsystems under.

Support and Feedback / Can not open a zipped html in Browser Chrome
« on: January 14, 2022, 15:12:33 »
x64 v11.5 build 2842 Portable

I mentioned this problem before in the thread:,4181.msg11901.html#msg11901

I like to store html files in zipped format, and try to open them in MultiCommander directly. (double click the zip and then double click the html) It does bring up Chrome but Chrome can't find the local file location. I check that file path, and it's really not there. (file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/_mc_/mc_E509.tmp/_20220114.html)

Don't you have this issue?

I would like to upload a simple zip, but I think no one dare to open it. You could just create the simplest one by yourself.

I would like to see MC can change to the coresponding dark/light theme after Windows changes its color mode. Some users toggle their system color mode several times a day.

If default web browser is Chrome or Firefox, opening an html file in a zip by using the built-in FS-ZIP starts up the browser but the browser can't find the file path.
The file path is like "file:///C:/Users/UserName/AppData/Local/Temp/_mc_/mc_8E33.tmp/20210408.html"

Internet Explorer or Edge work well.

I am looking for a way to direct MultiDataViewer to open the next/preview file. I found the two likely options: "Queue files to view " in help, and "Keyboard Navigation". But don't know what they mean.

Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn in MultiDataViewer simply are PageUP/PageDown in the same file.

in recent days, most of files are encoded in utf-8. Is that possible to set utf-8 by default?

Support and Feedback / one doutable hotkeys [F7]?!
« on: February 11, 2021, 04:26:46 »
Portable version v10.2-b2475, Multicommmander mode:

F7 (Makedir) is not working.

In Windows File Explorer, we can type quickly a file name and jump to select the matched file name.
Is this possible in Commander Style?

Pages: [1]