Multi Commander Support Forum

Multi Commander => Support and Feedback => Topic started by: commander on May 16, 2024, 02:50:08

Title: How to add Favorite Pairs
Post by: commander on May 16, 2024, 02:50:08
 Sometimes two folders are related, and they are only used when both sides are open. Is there a way to create a folder pair
Title: Re: How to add Favorite Pairs
Post by: Jungle on May 16, 2024, 07:34:21
If I got you right, you can do it via Custom commands. E.g. write MultiScript or use Internal Commands directly.
For example:

Code: [Select]
@var $path1 = 'c:\temp'
@var $path2 = 'c:\temp\22'

MC.Explorer.NewBrowser PATH="{$path1}" SIDE=LEFT
MC.Explorer.NewBrowser PATH="{$path2}" SIDE=RIGHT

Then you can bind that custom command to a button on the button panel or to a hotkey, or put it to a quicklaunch bar
Title: Re: How to add Favorite Pairs
Post by: commander on May 18, 2024, 08:03:15
Thank for leading me to the whole new world. I didn't know Multi Commander is that customizable.
Is there an easy way to "activate a tab if it exists or create a new one"? Or I have to write a script to check every tabs before create it?
Title: Re: How to add Favorite Pairs
Post by: Jungle on May 18, 2024, 19:50:34
Is there an easy way to "activate a tab if it exists or create a new one"? Or I have to write a script to check every tabs before create it?
I think you'll have to perform a check.