Multi Commander Support Forum
Multi Commander => Support and Feedback => Topic started by: Jungle on November 29, 2024, 14:38:25
I've created a User Defined Command:
MC.FileSearch.Search SEARCHFOR=*.txt AUTOSTART HIDE SEARCHIN="c:\temp\22";"c:\temp\33\"
and inserted it to the QuickLaunch bar. The following is 100% reproducible for me.
0. There must be some txt files in "c:\temp\22" and "c:\temp\33\" folders.
1. Press the newly created button
2. Close the results Tab
3. Then change path. It may require several attempts
1. Explorer panel Settings look ugly (see pic)
2. Some item in the file list randomly becomes blanc. Refreshing the tab randomly replaces some oter item with a blanc line. Navigation via cusror keys can't skip that line. (see gif)
MC v14.3.3042 x64 Portable on Win10 x64 Pro
SEARCHIN is wrong.. one quote for them all.. not for each
view issue I don't know. look like after some windows update on some system, some ppl have seen that issue.. Not been able to recreate that
SEARCHIN is wrong.. one quote for them all.. not for each
With one quote search finds nothing, with the separate quotes it works.
view issue I don't know. look like after some windows update on some system, some ppl have seen that issue.. Not been able to recreate that
With usual navigation and normal GUI search I've never seen it before. This issue only appears with this command executed. Each time.
I've just tested on
Édition Windows 11 Professionnel
Version 23H2
Build du système d’exploitation 22631.4460
Expérience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1047.0
The same result: this issue is 100% reproducible.
if you open the findfile dialog after command is run you see what it entered into it. i will check tomorrow. might be that it does not remove the " or something
The view error has nothing to do with search. some other had that issue in other situations. but I never been able to reproduce it. I think it is some timing issue.
But not sure. see if I can add some debug info for it for next beta
Ok. I've performed some tests with GUI.
1. c:\temp\22;c:\temp\33 - files are found
2. "c:\temp\22";"c:\temp\33" - files are found
3. "c:\temp\22;c:\temp\33" - files are NOT found
And now the issue is reproducible in pure GUI mode without UDC.
1. Open Find files dialog
2. Enter some findable mask (files must be found for issue to happen)
3. Enter some path
4. Press start.
5. After files are found close the RES tab
6. Close Find files dialog
7. Now change path
Well, maybe not 100%, but almost each time
In the script i should be "path1;path2" but there is a parsing error. so it will be fix for next beta.
The UI issue might be reproducible for you. That why I think it is hardware/setup related becuse users how see it can often reproduce it. But I have not been able to, have tried on very many machines and setups. But will add some dbg info for next beta that might give information on why it is happening. I got some theory but hard to test when I cannot reproduce it
If you still get this issue with the GUI acting out with beta build 3044, send me a mail..