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Messages - Jungle

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Not sure. I have not seen it. But it might depend on the archive and the size of it. and how it is unpacked.
Archive is about 17Mb, unpack by copying files from inside the archive (enter the archive, select files and copy to target panel)

1. Open some archive on a flash drive
2. Start copying files from that archive
3. Switch from copy queue to MC.

Result: file list remains empty (see pic) until copy is finished.

Is it a bug?

Support and Feedback / Re: Sort by opening up the tab
« on: September 06, 2013, 06:15:44 »
If you don't want to add gui option for default sorting, I suggest saving sort type (column and direction) when choosing Set current layout by default.

P.S. Sorry. It is already saved.

Beta Releases / Re: Multi Commander v3.5 Alpha/Beta
« on: August 29, 2013, 18:58:59 »
Navigating with cursor keys through the rules list in color rules editor doesn't update rules panel.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Search result navigation
« on: August 29, 2013, 05:01:18 »
I repeat my question: Is there any way I can help your devlopement ?

Not with development directly. But I'm always looking for more translations. And I also take fixes for my own English language files. (There are probably a lot of errors in there. Since I'm in a hurry a lot and I don't always have the time to double check the spelling. ) 
Icons is also wanted if you are good at drawing, I really need some improvements on some of them.

Other then that. 

Just keep report bugs you find :)

Unfortunately, i can't find initial message where you asking about help in development. But if you know C++ well, i think you could try to make a plugin/extension.

Beta Releases / Re: What Is New?
« on: August 27, 2013, 16:48:40 »

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: my wishlist
« on: August 23, 2013, 15:07:49 »
are you talking about the field that says "auto load to path"?
Yes. I've just tested and it works on latest stable v3.2.1.

My MC v. is 3.2.1 b.1432
Probably this is because new beta has updated RegExp engine.
So this is my fault - i hadn't tested on current stable version. I apologize.

First pic - all files
Second pic - all except *.avi

As you can see video.avi is absent on the second pic whereas other files are the same.


sorting is reset after new search. I mean if you e.g. set sorting to Ext column, then clear results and perform new search, new results are NOT sorted by Ext. It would be great to keep sorting order.

Have you enabled RegExp option?

Thanks, but it looks little bit too math and moreover it seems not working..
I've tried it and it works. But it is case sensitive

Beta Releases / Re: Multi Commander v3.3 Alpha/Beta
« on: August 21, 2013, 08:56:06 »
Well the registry entries MUST be there for it to loop.
It is what the installer check for.
I've played with installation/uninstallation and found out that:
1. If MC was installed for current user only, launching setup again doesn't ask for uninstall
2. If MC was installed for all users, launching setup again asks for uninstall

But the main issue remains - install/uninstall only work when launched as Administrator. Well, let's blame unidentified security settings :)

P.S. It seems that uninstall doesn't remove start menu/desktop shortcuts.

Beta Releases / Re: Multi Commander v3.3 Alpha/Beta
« on: August 21, 2013, 08:14:59 »
MC must have been installed before.. you only get that loop if it find it self under install programs.
I've cleaned registry and disk, so there're no MC entries neither for Administrator nor for User (note that User has admin rights).
The problem remains. Setup works properly only when launched as Administrator.
But maybe it is because of some local and domain rules?

Beta Releases / Re: Multi Commander v3.3 Alpha/Beta
« on: August 21, 2013, 07:16:43 »
Then it must have failed to uninstall.
It can loop if the reg entry for installed program is still there and that is the last things that is removed when uninstalling.
No. I hadn't MC installed. If setup is launched as non-Administrator, such loop occurs. If launched as Administrator, no problems (and no uninstall procedure).

BTW, Uninstall and MultiUpdate also work properly only when run as Administrator (on Win7)

Beta Releases / Re: Multi Commander v3.3 Alpha/Beta
« on: August 21, 2013, 05:45:13 »
With fresh (non-portable) install everything seems to be OK.


But when i try to install MC (beta) under non-Administrator account (even with admin privileges), endless loop of messages occur
Code: [Select]
MultiCommander v3.3.0.1476 x64 Setup
MultiCommander is already installed.

Do you want to uninstall the existing version.
Yes   No 


Code: [Select]
MultiCommander v3.3.0.1476 x64 Setup
Try to install MultiCommander again?
ОК   Cancel 

and again.

I think somthing like "Exclude" or "Not match" checkbox in the Look for panel of Find Files dialog could be useful. It should "invert" search. I.e. if search pattern is "bla-bla*.doc" then all files should be found except matching this pattern.
It sometimes could be easier than using RegExp.

Beta Releases / Re: Multi Commander v3.3 Alpha/Beta
« on: August 20, 2013, 21:16:29 »
wait.. are you sure it not just an redraw issue ?? Try move the mouse over the list or alt-tab to/from another app so the window force redrawn..
Nothing changes. [Save] button also does nothing.

Will try clean install.

Now another question: it should look inside all sub-folders...
Try use File search with RegExp ((?!\.ext).)*$

Beta Releases / Re: Multi Commander v3.3 Alpha/Beta
« on: August 20, 2013, 20:23:28 »
Yes. So what do you guy think. What color looks better. The standard dialog background or the alternative (white*) ?
Personally i prefer native background.
But maybe external "tweak" tool or extension could be created in the future to change color profiles (and other hidden settings). Sort of GUI that changes params in config files.


Build 1475

Color Rules Editor should work a lot better now. Still more to come and MultiLanguage support is not added yet since a lot of the text might still change.

[Add] button now just does nothing. All controls remain disabled. ColorRules.xml file is still not created.

-*.ext does hide items with ext extension.
-ext hides items which contain ext in filename.

Type e.g. -*.mp3 in the filter field. Minus sign means exclude.
Is it what you need?

Beta Releases / Re: 1470 issues and questions
« on: August 19, 2013, 11:43:03 »
No, it has no write protection. But application log contains
Code: [Select]
Failed to copy ColorRules.xml to user config folder

Beta Releases / Re: 1470 issues and questions
« on: August 19, 2013, 10:24:17 »
Do you have a file called ColorRules.xml in the config folder
No, this file doesn't exist.

Beta Releases / Re: 1470 issues and questions
« on: August 19, 2013, 10:04:40 »
Today on Win7 MC was able to send crash report.

Beta Releases / Re: 1470 issues and questions
« on: August 18, 2013, 17:36:39 »
5. Hang., hmm strange. I not can see how it can hang. Not able recreate that.. Are there any default rules at all or is it blank.
Have no rules there. All blank. After i press [Add] button, 2 Microsoft crash report dialogs appear. The first dialog is about MC and the second is about drwtsn32.exe. After i kill drwtsn32.exe process, MC also terminates

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