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Messages - Jungle

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I think somthing like "Exclude" or "Not match" checkbox in the Look for panel of Find Files dialog could be useful. It should "invert" search. I.e. if search pattern is "bla-bla*.doc" then all files should be found except matching this pattern.
It sometimes could be easier than using RegExp.

Beta Releases / Re: Multi Commander v3.3 Alpha/Beta
« on: August 20, 2013, 21:16:29 »
wait.. are you sure it not just an redraw issue ?? Try move the mouse over the list or alt-tab to/from another app so the window force redrawn..
Nothing changes. [Save] button also does nothing.

Will try clean install.

Now another question: it should look inside all sub-folders...
Try use File search with RegExp ((?!\.ext).)*$

Beta Releases / Re: Multi Commander v3.3 Alpha/Beta
« on: August 20, 2013, 20:23:28 »
Yes. So what do you guy think. What color looks better. The standard dialog background or the alternative (white*) ?
Personally i prefer native background.
But maybe external "tweak" tool or extension could be created in the future to change color profiles (and other hidden settings). Sort of GUI that changes params in config files.


Build 1475

Color Rules Editor should work a lot better now. Still more to come and MultiLanguage support is not added yet since a lot of the text might still change.

[Add] button now just does nothing. All controls remain disabled. ColorRules.xml file is still not created.

-*.ext does hide items with ext extension.
-ext hides items which contain ext in filename.

Type e.g. -*.mp3 in the filter field. Minus sign means exclude.
Is it what you need?

Beta Releases / Re: 1470 issues and questions
« on: August 19, 2013, 11:43:03 »
No, it has no write protection. But application log contains
Code: [Select]
Failed to copy ColorRules.xml to user config folder

Beta Releases / Re: 1470 issues and questions
« on: August 19, 2013, 10:24:17 »
Do you have a file called ColorRules.xml in the config folder
No, this file doesn't exist.

Beta Releases / Re: 1470 issues and questions
« on: August 19, 2013, 10:04:40 »
Today on Win7 MC was able to send crash report.

Beta Releases / Re: 1470 issues and questions
« on: August 18, 2013, 17:36:39 »
5. Hang., hmm strange. I not can see how it can hang. Not able recreate that.. Are there any default rules at all or is it blank.
Have no rules there. All blank. After i press [Add] button, 2 Microsoft crash report dialogs appear. The first dialog is about MC and the second is about drwtsn32.exe. After i kill drwtsn32.exe process, MC also terminates

Beta Releases / 1470 issues and questions
« on: August 17, 2013, 20:26:10 »
1. Keyboard customization dialog captions "Hotkey" and "Name tag" seem to miss translation strings.

2. Delete dialog does'n use localized string for caption at the start. E.g. try to delete non-empty folder. Warning dialog will be shown. At this time delete dialog has caption "Deleting".

3. I don't understand the purpose of putting options "Continue on error" and "Delete all" in delete dialog.
  a) if there are many "problematic" files (ro/hidden/system) you will simply have no time to check them;
  b) buttons "Skip all", "Delete all" in error dialog should act exactly as if those options were enabled.

So instead of one properly working scheme there are now two partially working schemes. Btw, there is the same problem with copy/move dialog. If there're many blocked files you always need to confirm skip/delete partial. Try to copy e.g. "Documents and settings" folder (Win XP).

4. Color rules dialog is non-localizable

5. When i press "Add" button in color rules dialog, MC freezes and can't be killed.

Beta Releases / Re: Possible bug
« on: August 13, 2013, 10:24:56 »
Maybe this is related to the drag n drop focus grabbing I mentioned in another post?
Not sure. As i said i close all apps, launch MC and begin resizing. Just a few resize operations reqiuired to get cursor trapped.

Beta Releases / Re: Possible bug
« on: August 12, 2013, 11:52:27 »
Maybe some kind of debug tool can help?

P.S. I've noticed that after cursor is locked new resizing always unlocks it.

Beta Releases / Re: Possible bug
« on: August 12, 2013, 10:26:25 »
I just start MC and begin resizing, nothing special. Tried also with default settings and MultiCommander style - the same result.

Beta Releases / Re: Possible bug
« on: August 12, 2013, 06:35:10 »
Bug with horizontal mouse cursor locking still exists in 1457. Appears after column resizing. The easiest way to see it is resizing Size/Date column (via separator between these columns).

Win 7 x64 Enterprise, MC 3.3.0 b1457

P.S. I haven't noticed such effect in other apps. I also tried closing all apps before launching MC.

Beta Releases / Re: Possible bug
« on: August 09, 2013, 18:51:06 »
I confirm bug with inplace rename for current beta 1452. Steps:
1. Launch MC
2. Open inplace rename. OK. <e> and <n> acts like chars
3. Cancel rename
4. Press and release Ctrl key
5. Open inplace rename. BUG. <e> and <n> toggle ext/name selection
6. Cancel rename.
7. Open inplace rename. All OK again.

Bug with mouse cursor is easily reproducible on Win 7 x64 and MC v3.2.1 x64. It was described, captured and sent to Mathias. But on WinXP x32 i'm unable to reproduce it neither in MC 3.2.1 nor in MC 3.3.0.

Support and Feedback / Re: Edit filename hotkey? Like F2?
« on: August 09, 2013, 11:55:14 »
Shift+F6 by default, but you can change it via menu Configuration > Keyboard Customization: choose Explorer panel module, then search for Tools - Rename current file/folder

Support and Feedback / Re: fixed labels
« on: August 06, 2013, 05:12:32 »
you may set up buttons on the button bar

it looks like FR for "Favourites bar" or "Hot paths bar" :)

Beta Releases / Re: Multi Commander v3.3 Alpha/Beta
« on: August 05, 2013, 20:04:04 »
ADDED - Pressing Ctrl+N / Ctrl+E while in inline rename mode the name part or extension part will be selected
Maybe toggling should be done by pressing the same key that assigned for inline renaming? E.g. i've set up F2 for inline renaming. So pressing F2 would toggle selection from name to extension.

Support and Feedback / Re: Adding buttons to multibuttons.xml
« on: July 31, 2013, 19:55:41 »
You can change rows count in the Core Settings.
Don't forget that each button can have "alternative states" (using Shift/Ctrl/Shift+Ctrl or RMB/MMB) if allowed in Settings.

So you can create custom command, debug it and then assign it to one of the button states

Script / Re: Search routine
« on: July 31, 2013, 19:31:37 »
Custom commands can be created via Configuration menu.
Then you may open multi-script debugger from the Help menu and choose your command in the dropdown list.

To perform some action on a file/folder you should get its path first by using appropriate functions. They are described in on-line doc.

If it's not too late for request :)

Flat (branch) view. Shows all files in the current folder and all subfolders as if they were in one folder. This might be useful e.g. to find a file by name or to use tools like the Multi-Rename

BTW, virtual folder is a good idea

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Name as Folder?
« on: July 26, 2013, 05:42:25 »
You may replace
Code: [Select]
$n = StrRegExpFind( $s, "\d+$" );
Code: [Select]
$n = StrRegExpFind( $s, "(_|-|~)?\d+$" );
where (_|-|~) is a list of characters that precedes numbers.

But using a special rename tool may indeed be a better idea.

8. Use custom icons for internal file associations
   Yes.. When configuring Editor/Viewer I guess settings an icon there too might be a good idea.
  But what icon should it show if you set a different icon for edit/view ? Or Maybe have a Icon tab... Well I figure something out.

If there's only one association (e.g. only for View) so the choice is obvious. If there are several associations then icon should be choosen using priority:
1. Open/run association
2. Edit association
3. View association

This of course should be done only if MC decides which icon to use. User may manually choose desired icon.

9.  Ability to set default file type for pasting from clipboard

   You really need a config for it ? Or would a remembering last used format. So if you used PNG last time it will be the format that is preselected the next time. Is that good enough ?

I think it's enough.

10 . Paste dialog - Focus is moved to the filename field

  I know. The problem is that it will select the filename part for you when you selected a format. And if you just do arrow up/down the combobox takes that as a selection. Im not sure that can be change unless the select only filename part is disabled. 
 However as said in the comments, pressing F4 is a workaround. Might not be good enough.
Actually when you paste something from clipboard, the focus is automatically moved to the filename field. Therefore renaming is the first action performed in this dialog. So i don't know what is the reason to return focus to the name field each time.

12 . If i create folder la-la;bla-bla,
  As said in comment ; is used for separator when creating multiple folders.. But I like the sugestion with a checkbox in the Create Folder dialog to override it

Well, the reasons i suggested to use "folder1","folder2" when creating multiple folders are:
1. ";" is a valid pathname char
2. Enclosing folders in the double quotes (which is invalid pathanme char) is a common practice. And also some select files dialogs represent the result as a comma separated string with items enclosed by double quotes.

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