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Messages - Jungle

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Support and Feedback / Some localization issues in 3.2.1
« on: July 04, 2013, 07:30:44 »
1. It seems that additional columns like comment for pictures or tags for music can't be displayed in unicode

2. Column sets are stored in the settings with current localized captions, so when you change MC language, columns will be displayed in other language

I did exactly what you said and now the files are all over parent folder...

I've tested. What i've had

After moving with content copy profile i have

This is what you want, isn't it?


1. On the source panel select folders
C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\Fear Factory\1998 - Obsolete\
C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\Fear Factory\2001 - Digimortal\

2. On the destination panel open C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\Fear Factory folder
3. Do as Mathias described:

  a. In copy/move dialog press [Options >>]
  b. Select "Folder content" under FileOperation plug-in profiles
  c. Press [OK]

If it is a common task, probably you need to use multi-script as there's no way to pass plugin profile to MC.Explorer.Copy command

If i understand correctly and you need to move entire folder to parent, there are several ways.

1. Drag'n'drop folder to a '..' item in the same explorer panel
2. Open parent folder in the opposite panel and drag'n'drop folder from source to destination panel (or use keyboard shortcut)
3. Write multi-script

Script / Re: Create empty text file
« on: June 20, 2013, 14:55:39 »
MC v3.2.0 supports creating new file (Shift+F4 by default) and it uses internal file associations.

Beta Build 1425 now have Create And Edit file.
When creating file failed (e.g. insufficient rights) no error is shown, so it looks like feature doesn't work.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Interface Overhaul?
« on: June 04, 2013, 10:22:57 »
And i still think there should be a choice between kilo and kibi (decimal and binary prefixes).
kilo can't be 1024 and kibi can't be 1000.

Support and Feedback / MultiScript - GetTime Broken
« on: May 02, 2013, 13:48:27 »
Btw  "GetTime(1);" will return UTC time..

As you can see on the pic, both GetTime() and GetTime(1) return the same value

How about a way to set color if a date is less or more then x days.
Then you can show files that are from today in a different color
It is possible.

Code: [Select]
// First we need to remove all existing rules. DO NOT FORGET TO DO THIS.

// variable to store Rule in
@var $rule = 0;

// Add Rule - If date is within 10 days from now
@var $now = GetTime();
@var $then = $now - 60*60*24*10;
@var $now_str = FormatDate( "yyyy-MM-dd " , $now ) + FormatTime("HH:mm:ss", $now);
@var $then_str = FormatDate( "yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00" , $then );

$rule = FileColoringAddRule(0, "Date" , "Before", $now_str );
$rule = FileColoringAddRule($rule, "Date" , "After", $then_str );
FileColoringSetColor( $rule , "#444433" , "#00FF00" );

// Revalidate all file coloring.

But there are 2 moments.
1. GetTime() always returns uncorrected time. E.g. if i have GMT+04, at 15:00 GetTime() will return 11:00
2. Last modified datetime is used when checking files.

Support and Feedback / Re: Execute items programmatically
« on: May 02, 2013, 10:47:57 »
I've set up *.txt and *.ini to edit/execute via akelpad. It works ok from the file panel. But:

1. If i launch command e.g. myfile.ini from command line, default program (notepad) is launched.
2. I've created user command MC.CmdLineRun CMD=${focusfilepath} and assigned it to a button. But when i click this button file is not launched, it is just focused instead as if i typed "myfile.ini" (with quotes) in the command line

LessThen should be LessThan
MoreThen should be MoreThan

You may create user command

Code: [Select]
MC.Explorer.Copy NODIALOG

Code: [Select]
MC.Explorer.Move NODIALOG
It will copy selected items from the active panel to the opposite one without dialog.

Or you may use MultiScript to create something more advanced.

Beta Releases / Re: Bugs (or misbehaviour) in 3.1.0 b1400
« on: April 26, 2013, 07:32:05 »
no but u,47  :)
Maybe something has changed, but i've modified u.46 :)

Beta Releases / Re: Bugs (or misbehaviour) in 3.1.0 b1400
« on: April 26, 2013, 07:20:55 »
3. I know and will not be fixed. It has to do with that focus is not restored until you click something.

But it works on the inactive panel. If in e) you move mouse over active panel, following is wrong, but on the inactive panel it keeps working correctly.

4. NO there is no /PREV /NEXT param. but you can set the paramter Tab="..." to PREV/NEXT  TAB="PREV" , TAB="NEXT"

I was quite inattentive :) But i think this should be mentioned in u.46 line for MultiCommander core

Beta Releases / Bugs (or misbehaviour) in 3.1.0 b1400
« on: April 26, 2013, 05:32:29 »
1. Since b1379 there are two file cursors - in each file panel

2. Since b1379 hovering (file cursor follows mouse) works for inactive panel too. In earlier builds it worked only in active panel.

3. There is a bug with cursor following mouse pointer (hovering).
 a. Set small wait time (20 ms)
 b. Create quicklaunch button which accepts files as parameters (e.g. notepad)
 c. Drop some file(s) to that button
 d. Close application (notepad)
 e. Move mouse to MC but don't click, then move it over files/folders
 Result: cursor following for active tab (from which files were dropped) is broken. Wait time is not 20ms.
 f. Now click on the Explorer panel.
 g. Move mouse over files/folders
 Result: cursor following is restored. Wait time is 20 ms again.

4. Changelog says that SetActiveTab support /PREV /NEXT params, but they are seem to be missing in custom commands

There are some more ways:
1. Hotkey F7
2. Button "Makedir" on the button panel
3. Menu "Tools > Create Folder"

Ctrl + Tab = Next
Ctr + Shift + Tab = Previous

As a workaround, after you get relative path in the File Types setup you may add ${mcpath}\ to the beginning and optionally surround the path by qoutes.

So the right path could look like

Second, if I lock a tab for a network drive, when I close the program and reopen it, the tab reverts to the C: drive instead of remaining mapped to the network drive.
Try uncheck Save only path to local harddrive under Explorer panel settings > Display tab > Save on exit

Support and Feedback / Re: How can i disconnect from FTP?
« on: March 01, 2013, 09:21:14 »
Or maybe closing FTP-tab should disconnect?

Support and Feedback / Re: How can i disconnect from FTP?
« on: March 01, 2013, 08:37:27 »
Shame on me for inattention.

As i see, toolbar button appears for every active connection. Maybe some menu for it? Or menu item for FTP-tab?

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Proxy support for FTP
« on: March 01, 2013, 08:26:24 »
Is it possible to add proxy support for FTP connection? E.g. system settings may be used.

Support and Feedback / How can i disconnect from FTP?
« on: March 01, 2013, 08:22:51 »
How can i disconnect from FTP? It seems there is neither popup menu item nor hotkey.

Support and Feedback / Re: New Packer Profile
« on: February 27, 2013, 04:16:24 »

Support and Feedback / Re: Fonts?
« on: February 25, 2013, 04:13:23 »
Explorer Panel Settings > Display tab > Fonts

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