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Messages - Tom L

Pages: [1]
Support and Feedback / Get search result in same panel
« on: April 23, 2021, 23:08:01 »
Is there a way to make a Find Files result go to a tab in the same panel rather than always to the opposite panel?

In Windows 10 for PC's is there a way to have Multi Commander open instead of File Explorer when I click on a folder or folder shortcut that is on the desktop or in Start?

If not, I would request/suggest that such a feature be created if possible. Perhaps there would be a way to do that from Windows but I tend to doubt it.

That worked perfectly! I was already using a a tab session anyway which I had incorporated into a batch file on my desktop (I use the batch file to open MC). So the minor edit of the tab session did the job.

I would like to have MC open with a wider folder tree width. Is that possible? I notice that the widths of columns in the explorer panel can be changed and saved by right-clicking on the column headings. Is there a place to do the same with the folder tree?

Support and Feedback / Re: Can't copy files to or from portable device
« on: November 20, 2017, 21:47:30 »
I didn't see anything that I was able to make use of in the file operation log.

But I did find that I was able to drag a file from inside MC not to the physical Windows desktop, but at least to the Desktop folder in MC. It then appeared on the physical Windows desktop.

Interestingly, the reverse action, dragging a file from the physical Windows desktop to a folder in the MC window was successful.

Thanks for your help!

Support and Feedback / Can't copy files to or from portable device
« on: November 15, 2017, 19:20:20 »
I drag a file that is visible on the Explorer Panel of a portable device (phone, which is attached via USV port to my pc) to my pc's desktop or other folder, but nothing happens.  I can see the gray rectangle icon with the gray file name and the plus sign (for copy) move along as I drag, but when I release the mouse button, the file I'm trying to copy doesn't appear in the destination. OR if I try to move a file on portable device somewhere else on the portable device I get two error messages as in attachment.

When I do the same thing using Windows File Explorer (Win 8.1) it copies in either direction with no problem.

Support and Feedback / Re: Folder Tree Horizontal Scroll Bar
« on: October 03, 2017, 20:48:24 »
Of course I, and perhaps most of us, were used to Windows File Explorer but didn't like many of its features and switched to another file manager, like Multi Commander. But there still are a few Windows File Explorer features that I am used to and like. One is its lack of a horizontal scroll bar on the tree panel.

I took that for granted before switching to Multi Commander. The tree stayed put instead of bouncing left and right when you didn't want it to. If it was too narrow for a particular situation (that didn't happen very often) it was a simple process to just drag it a little wider, even if only temporarily.

The best of both worlds would be to be able to turn the scroll bar on and off according to one's preferences.

Support and Feedback / Folder Tree Horizontal Scroll Bar
« on: October 03, 2017, 01:45:06 »
Is there any way to turn off the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the Folder tree? It often shifts spontaneously left and right when I am in the middle of moving a file to another folder. Rather annoying.

In the View Mode Settings under the Display tab of Explorer Panel Settings, the Tooltip options affect the "File Information" pop-up which appears after hovering over a file for about a second.

It seems to me that "Tooltip" is a misleading name to give that pop-up.  In my experience, tooltips are pop-ups for tool icon buttons such as those in the Toolbar. A more useful name would be something like "File Info pop-up."

I wasted a lot of time perusing the various Configuration settings trying to find a way to eliminate the "File Information" pop-up which for me was more nuisance than useful information. I finally went to the forum and found the answer in the Feb. 19, 2017 reply to FileM, who had the same trouble I had.

I think FileM and I would have quickly found where to eliminate the pop-up if its configuration setting had had a more accurately descriptive name.

I think I solved my problem.  I found the config files that do change and update, with the same file names as the apparently factory setting AppData/Local/MultiCommander (X86)/Config files, but in the AppData/Roaming/MultiCommander/Config folder.

Why doesn't the date in the date column in the Explorer panel update for any of the various Config xml files after I change a Core setting or an Explorer Panel setting? The modified date doesn't get updated in the File information window (see attachment) of a given file either.

When I make and save settings changes, how do I know which of the several config files the changes are made to?

Thanks for the info. I'll definitely take your ideas under advisement and consider whether it might be worth changing to a two-panel method.  I'll also check out the command scripting.

When I set the panel split size to 100/0 and then check "Remember split size between restarts" in the Configuration- Core Settings window, the next time I open Multi Commander (x64) v7.5 (build 2381), I get what measures out to be about 83/17 instead of the requested 100/0.  The same thing happens in reverse for a 0/100 setting.  The configuration setting does remember the 25/75, 50/50, and 25/75 splits properly.

Is there a way to get the 100/0 split remembered correctly? If not, does anyone know of a workaround, such as perhaps some kine of startup command switch or anything else?  I hardly ever need or use a split window, and so it's a nuisance having to change the default of 50/50 to 100/0 every time I open the file manager.

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