I finally got something to work get a file list in a file and read it in a batch file
@var $arr = GetSelectedPaths();
SaveArray("C:\Temp\work.txt", $arr, 1, 0);
MC.Run CMD="C:\Users\erik\Documents\readonly.cmd" ARG="C:\Temp\Work.txt"
the readonly.cmd file reads like this
Echo off
for /F "tokens=1* delims=, usebackq" %%x in (%1) do attrib +r "%%x"
Del "%1"
Yes Finally fixed it
@var $arr = GetSelectedPaths();
if (arrayCount($arr) > 0
@var $n = 0;
for( $n = 0; $n < arrayCount($arr); $n = $n + 1 )
@var $msg = $arr[$n];
MC.Run CMD="attrib.exe" ARG="+r {$msg}"