Author Topic: Replacing one ore more characters on fixed position in multi-filenames  (Read 10115 times)


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a first post of a newbie
i am impressed by this program and still searching for all the options
maybe i am to bit  impatient but i can't find the following option:
i want to (multi)rename download tracks in a music cd; the name's are like this : 01 ierueirueir; 02 hfjghjfhgjfhgj and so on
i want to (multi)replace the space (on position "x" ,long "" y"charachters) behind the track nummer with "-" to 01-ierueirueir; 02-hfjghjfhgjfhgj and so on;

how van i achieve that??
Any one who can instruct me?
Thank you

Mathias (Author)

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The Multi-Rename tool is found in Menu

Select the files you want to rename then go to Menu > Extensions > MultiRename

You can used the [N] tag to cut the entire filename or parts of it like [N10,2] That is from character 10 with the length of 2.

And you use the Search and Replace part to remove/replace substring and you can enter a space there and if you replace it with nothing it will be removed.
You have a live preview there that will show you want the names will be
« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 15:56:39 by Mathias (Author) »


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Thank you for your answer
(sorry to place the post in the wrong part)
I understood all you write but it does not solve my (little) problem
When i put the "space" in de Search then ALL my spaces are removed/replaces and that is not my intention
I just want to replace the one "space" in position  e.g. 9

So I think there is no solution for this? (There are not much progs doing this; i use the one called PS FileRenamer, but using Multicommander i have all-in-one)

Making this email i tried something else : i had ticked "replace all" and now ticked it off, and now MY problem is solved; but... it is not exactly the answer i liked on my question

Thank you for any attention to my question


Mathias (Author)

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You can also you multiple [N] tags in the name
Like [N1,4]-[N6,200]

The first tag will take 4 char. starting at pos 1.
The second tag will take 200 char (or to the end of the filename) starting at pos 6.
meaning character at position 5 is removed.


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Thank you

with the last explanation i now know how to change my filenames as i like it; this is what i want to know

(i couldn't find this by myself through the help or am i wrong with this remark; maybe you have to put this in the help??)

thank you very much
