Author Topic: Some feedback and notices  (Read 36219 times)


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Some feedback and notices
« on: October 07, 2013, 12:06:57 »
The MC is very nice styled and easy to understand and use for me. Thank you very much for this manager!
I have something to say about what I feel and what I found. (Sorry, if this topic should be in Requests and Suggestions forums, please, feel free to move it there).
  • When you use "Save clipboard to a file" feature (Ctrl+V), you have a dialog with settings. If you confirm by mouse button, the bottom button panel will stay toggled by Ctrl modifier auntill you press something. And please, add the information about how to use this feature in tip #17 (press Ctrl+V to bla-bla...), it's not obvious.
  • Add mid mouse button action for path above the pane and for device buttons in the tool panel. It should open clicked element in another tab (or maybe pane).
  • Add Ctrl+Drag'n'Drop action for panel tabs to duplicate them easily with mouse, not only move to another pane.
  • Add "Add user command" button to hotkeys configuration dialog. Now it's hard to find where to add a new user hotkey (it's in another menu item "User defined commands").
  • Make tray icon single-clickable. And let it minimize the window if it is visible and on top now.
  • Tip #23:
    You can loading selection from file that you create your self. The file just need to be a normal text file with a file or folder to match on every line, it also supports wildcards.
    Should be written like this: "You can load selection from a file, created by yourself. It must be a text file, each line of which is a string that will match a file or folder name. Wildcards are supported also." Better to clarify, if the file is ANSI or Unicode.
  • If I use the view filter in the bottom of a pane, it tells me how many items are hidden. That would be nice, if this message is clickable and pressing it I'd have my filter inverted. For example, I filtered "*.exe". Then I pressed the message "10 hidden" and the filter changes to "-*.exe". That's intuitive and easy way.
  • Tip #28:
    You can filter what will be removed when doing delete on files and folders. You specify what files delete.
    It shoud sound like this: "When you delete files and folders, you can use filter to specify what files and folders to delete."
  • Is A-Z sorting configured to sort only folders, not files by default?
  • Add configuration for draggind files with Shift and Ctrl. In windows explorer Shift+Drag means Move, Ctrl+Drag means Copy, Ctrl+Shift+Drag means create shortcut. In MultiCommander it differes. So it would be nice to customize this behavior.
  • Would be nice to customize tabs' position (top/bottom/left/right) and style if possible. As for me, it's very incomfortable to access bottom tabs line, because other controls are in the top.
  • And finally, add some dark colour preset, the colouring feature is very nice.
Thank you!
Best regards,
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Re: Some feedback and notices
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2013, 15:02:10 »
11. Would be nice to customize tabs' position (top/bottom/left/right) and style if possible. As for me, it's very incomfortable to access bottom tabs line, because other controls are in the top.
Not left/right but you can change tab location from bottom to top under Core Settings.

12. And finally, add some dark colour preset, the colouring feature is very nice.
There is a dark color setup.  ( Quick Look and feel setup -> Customize > Colors (Dark colors) )
You can also configure you own and when you have a color setup that you think are great you can send it to Mathias. He is accepting color setups to be added as more quick setup options.

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Re: Some feedback and notices
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2013, 17:55:47 »
The MC is very nice styled and easy to understand and use for me. Thank you very much for this manager!
I have something to say about what I feel and what I found. (Sorry, if this topic should be in Requests and Suggestions forums, please, feel free to move it there).
  • When you use "Save clipboard to a file" feature (Ctrl+V), you have a dialog with settings. If you confirm by mouse button, the bottom button panel will stay toggled by Ctrl modifier auntill you press something. And please, add the information about how to use this feature in tip #17 (press Ctrl+V to bla-bla...), it's not obvious.
  • Add mid mouse button action for path above the pane and for device buttons in the tool panel. It should open clicked element in another tab (or maybe pane).
  • Add Ctrl+Drag'n'Drop action for panel tabs to duplicate them easily with mouse, not only move to another pane.
  • Add "Add user command" button to hotkeys configuration dialog. Now it's hard to find where to add a new user hotkey (it's in another menu item "User defined commands").
  • Make tray icon single-clickable. And let it minimize the window if it is visible and on top now.
  • Tip #23:
    You can loading selection from file that you create your self. The file just need to be a normal text file with a file or folder to match on every line, it also supports wildcards.
    Should be written like this: "You can load selection from a file, created by yourself. It must be a text file, each line of which is a string that will match a file or folder name. Wildcards are supported also." Better to clarify, if the file is ANSI or Unicode.
  • If I use the view filter in the bottom of a pane, it tells me how many items are hidden. That would be nice, if this message is clickable and pressing it I'd have my filter inverted. For example, I filtered "*.exe". Then I pressed the message "10 hidden" and the filter changes to "-*.exe". That's intuitive and easy way.
  • Tip #28:
    You can filter what will be removed when doing delete on files and folders. You specify what files delete.
    It shoud sound like this: "When you delete files and folders, you can use filter to specify what files and folders to delete."
  • Is A-Z sorting configured to sort only folders, not files by default?
  • Add configuration for draggind files with Shift and Ctrl. In windows explorer Shift+Drag means Move, Ctrl+Drag means Copy, Ctrl+Shift+Drag means create shortcut. In MultiCommander it differes. So it would be nice to customize this behavior.
  • Would be nice to customize tabs' position (top/bottom/left/right) and style if possible. As for me, it's very incomfortable to access bottom tabs line, because other controls are in the top.
  • And finally, add some dark colour preset, the colouring feature is very nice.
Thank you!
Best regards,

1. Yes.. I got it on my list. But it is a minor visual issue, But to fix it would require more work then I want to spend right now. And there are risk for side affects. So I have push that issue forward in time.
2. I will see if that can be added.
3. Not sure if that is possible. But I will investigate and see..
4. Hmm Not sure it is possible. You must have a command in the list to assign a hotkey to it..  Having "Add User Command" there would show the UserDefinedCommand dialog and then when you saved the command you have to assign it..  I think it feels a bit backwards.
5. It is on the list, It is coming.
6. All TipOfTheDays are old. they are have never been updated since they was created. Some of they are not valid any more and many features are missing from the tips. I is just very time consuming, and so little time.  But I will see if the text fits and then replace it.
7. There are some changes coming to the view filter part. Not sure about the click to invert. Maybe, Will have to see if I think that works.
8. That tip is obsolete.. Filter when deleting is disable since it had some strange side effect. And I had not had the time to fix it. So entire tip should be removed.
9. It is an option. But as default it should not be on. By default it should sort both files and folders.
10. Most of the drag commands matches explorer. Default drag action is different if you drag to same or different volume . Same volume then it do move by default and shift will toggle it.  Shortcut are not support.. It is on the list to support that.. I just have not had the time. I will see if I can push it up on the list.
11. As Ice-Man said.. You can configure it to a top/bottom position. Left/Right will not be supported because it is a weird look and the dragging of tabs does not work when viewed that way and it would require too much work to get it working.
12. Yes more color setups would be nice. there are one already but more are wanted. I Just do not have the time to fix that myself at the moment. But if you or anyone else create a cool color setup.. Send me the configurations files and i can included it as a quick set option.


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Re: Some feedback and notices
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2013, 08:05:36 »
Thank you all for quick and useful replies.
  • Yes, I understand. Just to put on notice.
  • Thank you.
  • Thank you.
  • Quote
    Hmm Not sure it is possible. You must have a command in the list to assign a hotkey to it..  Having "Add User Command" there would show the UserDefinedCommand dialog and then when you saved the command you have to assign it..  I think it feels a bit backwards.
    Yes, but now it's more strange - you have to close the keyboard dialog, open UserDefinedCommand dialog, add a command, close UserDefinedCommand dialog and open keyboard dialog once more. And all this I do manually. Going to main menu twice is too long. Here's how it would look (video in attachments).
  • Thank you.
  • OK, I see. Thank you.
  • OK, will wait new changes. My idea is that when you see "10 hidden", you want to see those 10 items and click the text label. And those 10 appear on the pane.
  • OK.
  • OK. I think I've disabled it accidentally.
  • Default drag action mathces, yes. Shift toggles the action, right. But in Win Explorer Shift and Ctrl modifiers choose the action, not toggle. So when I press Shift while dragging in Win Explorer, I will always move file, and when I press Ctrl - always copy. So I don't have to look where I do that, and what kind of drag icon it shows. That is what I mean.
  • Yes, sorry, I didn't notice that option.
  • One more time I'm sorry. I didn't go to Customize in Look'n'Feel dialog to check it's solutions. I'll give my colour scheme when it's done.
Thank you for your work! Kepp it on!
Best regards,
Save our fragile planet!


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Re: Some feedback and notices
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2013, 08:33:40 »
Please don't implement "skins".

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Some feedback and notices
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2013, 08:46:58 »
Please don't implement "skins".
It is to time consuming to implement that my self.
Only third party "skin" libraries that I have consider it the light weight kind that only changes colors. Not the heavy kind that redraw everything in none standard way. But since I got so many custom UI components, There would be lots of places where it would not work. So the risk/chance for it is very low.


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Re: Some feedback and notices
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2013, 22:23:44 »
@ Mattias
Regarding Tips, Help, Color Schemes, etc.

You might want to request input from long-time users/respected forum members.

If tips was stored in an .ini file format, or xml/html, then help could be provided in bringing it up to date.

It might be better to split out the tips into individual files (if multiple people were involved), which could then be merged for distribution with the MC downloads.

Adequate documentation is usually where open-source projects fail too.

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Re: Some feedback and notices
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2013, 22:48:07 »
@ Mattias
If tips was stored in an .ini file format, or xml/html, then help could be provided in bringing it up to date.

It might be better to split out the tips into individual files (if multiple people were involved), which could then be merged for distribution with the MC downloads.

Adequate documentation is usually where open-source projects fail too.
All the TipOfTheDay tips are stored in <mcinstall>\Config\TOTD\totd.xml
And the tips uses pseudo HTML..  Not all HTML tags works. but many of them do.
(Try to press Ctrl+E in the TOTD Window)

I actually been updating (text+images) the online documentation a lot lately and but some areas are still missing. But they are coming..


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Re: Some feedback and notices
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2013, 08:52:51 »
Hi again.
I'll continue here, if nobody minds (if you do, please, feel free to split the message to a new topic).
I've tried to use some keyboard combos and actions, and noticed two strange things with SPACE button:
  • It is said that I can calculate the folder's size by Shift+Alt+Enter, and also with Space. When I press Space on single folder, all works OK. But when I want to do a trick with several selected folders, the result is given for a focused folder only. Is that OK?
  • I tried to work with keyboard only, like I usually do in WinExplorer. I wanted to select several files/forlders coming not one after another. I pressed Ctrl and began to press Space and moving through the filelist with Up and Down keys. It fails. How can I change this behavior? Or what other manner I can use to get the selection I want? P.S. I use WinExplorer mouse/keyboard/selection style, so Insert won't help me.
Thank you.
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Re: Some feedback and notices
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2013, 09:49:09 »
Hi again.
I'll continue here, if nobody minds (if you do, please, feel free to split the message to a new topic).
I've tried to use some keyboard combos and actions, and noticed two strange things with SPACE button:
  • It is said that I can calculate the folder's size by Shift+Alt+Enter, and also with Space. When I press Space on single folder, all works OK. But when I want to do a trick with several selected folders, the result is given for a focused folder only. Is that OK?
  • I tried to work with keyboard only, like I usually do in WinExplorer. I wanted to select several files/forlders coming not one after another. I pressed Ctrl and began to press Space and moving through the filelist with Up and Down keys. It fails. How can I change this behavior? Or what other manner I can use to get the selection I want? P.S. I use WinExplorer mouse/keyboard/selection style, so Insert won't help me.
Thank you.
1 Yes space key will toggle selection and calculate foldersize of item in focus.  It is so you can move up and down with arrow key and press space and to select file and also get their size.

2. Commander styled setup is best if you working with keyboard only.. then you can walk the list with arrow keys and toggle selection of files using space or insert key.
Ctrl + Space ? never seen that combo before..  not sure you can get it using Explorer Styled setup
In Explorer Panel settings you can uncheck the options under "Selection Methods" But that will probably mess with with setup you want to have..


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Re: Some feedback and notices
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2013, 13:00:18 »
1 Yes space key will toggle selection and calculate foldersize of item in focus.  It is so you can move up and down with arrow key and press space and to select file and also get their size.

2. Commander styled setup is best if you working with keyboard only.. then you can walk the list with arrow keys and toggle selection of files using space or insert key.
Ctrl + Space ? never seen that combo before..  not sure you can get it using Explorer Styled setup
In Explorer Panel settings you can uncheck the options under "Selection Methods" But that will probably mess with with setup you want to have..
  • I meant I cannot get the size of all selected folders by Space. That's not a big problem, actually, don't matter.
  • Yes. Try in WinExplorer or any type of standard listview: when you toggle Ctrl, the multi-selection mode is activated, so if you press Space - the focused element will be toggled selected/unselected, if you press any arrow, another element will be focused and you can make it selected/unselected with space. It's common practice in most listviews. I like the tabbed style interface with some plugins, but total/Multi/Other commander file selection style isn't what I really want. That's why I choose Multicommander yet :) Is there some way to make it possible? Maybe some hotkeys use Ctrl+Up/Down?
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Re: Some feedback and notices
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2013, 17:10:03 »
1 Yes space key will toggle selection and calculate foldersize of item in focus.  It is so you can move up and down with arrow key and press space and to select file and also get their size.

2. Commander styled setup is best if you working with keyboard only.. then you can walk the list with arrow keys and toggle selection of files using space or insert key.
Ctrl + Space ? never seen that combo before..  not sure you can get it using Explorer Styled setup
In Explorer Panel settings you can uncheck the options under "Selection Methods" But that will probably mess with with setup you want to have..
  • I meant I cannot get the size of all selected folders by Space. That's not a big problem, actually, don't matter.
  • Yes. Try in WinExplorer or any type of standard listview: when you toggle Ctrl, the multi-selection mode is activated, so if you press Space - the focused element will be toggled selected/unselected, if you press any arrow, another element will be focused and you can make it selected/unselected with space. It's common practice in most listviews. I like the tabbed style interface with some plugins, but total/Multi/Other commander file selection style isn't what I really want. That's why I choose Multicommander yet :) Is there some way to make it possible? Maybe some hotkeys use Ctrl+Up/Down?

1. Ahh ok. No space only works for current folder.. hmm Might be possible to remove the hotkey for that and reassign it to the 'calculate folder size' command

2. Not sure it will be possible to include 'sticky selection' in WindowsExplorer mode. Commander Styled setup has priority and if it breaks something with that it will not be added. also when changing how one mode works something in the other mode can break, or something else in the same mode breaks.
There are so many options and settings for how mouse/keyboard work so when messing with how it works, something is going to break :)
But if I find a safe way to add it, I will..


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Re: Some feedback and notices
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2013, 14:04:30 »
Thanks for reply.
Hope you will make it some day :) For now, I'm gonna use mouse for selecting several elements.
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