I continue using MC, I like it. Now I see 2 more problems:
- Sometimes my cursor begins to change to "busy" state and back. It changes ~2 times per second and stops only after restart MC. It only changes when mouse is above MC window. It doesn't зкумуте MC to work correctly, but it's very annoying.
- When I want to focus some file in a forlder with a paticular name in russian, I type it letter by letter. When it's lowercase - all works OK. But when the first letter is uppercase, the search doesn't work. I have to press Shift+1st letter first, more above, I have to do it twice for some reason. E.g.: to search Мопед.xls I need to press Shift+М, +М, о, п... It seems to me that this is not the right way of action.
Thank you.
MC v 64bit, Win7x64
1. Strange. I never seen that and I have no idea on why that is happening. Maybe something you do in MC make it happen. Question is want that is.
2. Kind of depending on what settings for quick search you have..
But Quick Search without a search field (popup input window) will not work 100% for all special characters. Fixing it for some situation will break it for some other.
Enabling so that quick search show the popup search field works better, since the search field can accept special characters.