Author Topic: How do I unpack  (Read 23238 times)


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How do I unpack
« on: May 06, 2011, 14:20:45 »

How do I unpack multiple archieves and skip certain files not to be unpacked, like a filter.
And also how do I chose that to be default?

Best Regards

Mathias (Author)

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Re: How do I unpack
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2011, 18:56:43 »
Hi Imagic.

There are two ways you can do this.

1. Select the files you want to unpack and the press ALT+F6 (or Menu->File->Unpack ) and in the filter field you can specify the files you want to unpack or not unpack.
Start the filter with the - sign to exclude items.  eg. "-*.txt" to skip all .txt files.

More info about unpacking

2. You can do a normal copy operation by pressing F5 ( or Menu->File->Copy ) and then press "Options >>"
and select "Unpacker" as FileOperation plugin. This will copy all files and folders as normal but when it finds a zips, rars or 7zip archives it will unpack them instead of copying them. (As a shortcut you can press Ctrl+P to move the input focus to the plugin selection box)

In the filter box you specify files/folders to include or exclude. If nothing is specified everything will be copied.
(To exclude a folder you can write "-/folder")

To set this options as default you need to open up the copy dialog fully by clicking on the "Advanced >>" button.
And then press the "Save as default". But be aware that then this options will always be set when opening the copy dialog.

A much better way is to use presets.
Preset can be auto loaded or loaded with the F-Keys from the copy dialog.
To create this presets you need to press the "Advanced >>" button and then click on "Set/Change Preset"
There you can save the current options of filters/plugin/target path to a preset that you then can load by pressing an F-Keys ( eg. F1 ).
You can also choose to auto load presets based on the path you start a copy operation from.

More information about the copy dialog
More information about presets
More information about filters

Hope this is to any help for you.

You need any more help, then just leave a message.

- Mathias