Author Topic: Multi-rename on search results list  (Read 17294 times)


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Multi-rename on search results list
« on: February 18, 2014, 03:27:03 »
I have a folder structure made up of 10 language versions of a selection of files.
The time has come to rename one of the files in each language folder to something else.

I ran a search inside MC to look for the filename as it is now and it correctly gave a list in the search results panel
So I selected all the files and ran Multi-Rename to change all the files to the new name.
Each time I tried the Multi-Rename spits back the error message:
Error! - Name Conflict

What am I doing wrong?

Any operation I try to do on this list results in this error.

Is the search list providing the Multi-Rename tool with the directory path as well or just a list of names that are all identical?
The search results panel certainly shows the full path but the Multi-Rename looks to be seeing them all in the same location.

If I use the list panel for other commands, like copy for example, it functions as expected.
The first file is copied and then on each subsequent copy the dialog for options on same named files appears.
Clearly it is correctly pulling each file from it's own folder in turn, as I would expect.

After much fiddling I find that the way to rename files on the search results is to use the Tools\Rename\Replace text in name command on the main menu.

This in my opinion this needs some attention.
The Multi-Rename tool is well suited to this operation and is probably looked to more often than this 3 level deep command.

Hope this will be of some help.

Thank you for your great software. I am an avid fan.