Author Topic: Locked TAB functionality.  (Read 27658 times)


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Locked TAB functionality.
« on: March 12, 2014, 02:39:40 »
Is it possible to lock a TAB from going UP the tree but still allow access to all the sub-folders under the currently selected location.

I have a folder that I access frequently and would like to get into the folders immediately below it but stay clear of those above it.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Locked TAB functionality.
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2014, 06:57:00 »
Right click on the tab and you can lock the tab.
And there is also an option there called "Lock tab - Allow sub path change" 

Select that option. and you can browse into subpath. , but not to parent or other drives


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Re: Locked TAB functionality.
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2014, 05:46:10 »
I think my initial post was worded badly.

Yes there is the option to Lock it and allow changing to Sub-paths but it doesn't actually lock the going up in the way I imagined.
While it is true that, that specific tab doesn't move up, the opening of a new tab instantaneously with the parent folder is a bit of a poor option, IMO.

Perhaps a dialog box stating that, opening a new tab or remaining in the current locked tab, as options would be better.
If I lock a tab it is because there is no need to move up that path to do anything useful inside MC. If I truly need to go there I can do so myself with a new tab or some other method.

Locking a tab and allowing the user to go there with no problem is like having a password protected folder that has you password always available and opens at any attempt. Defeats the purpose.

Yes, password protection and locked tabs are different but they serve to illustrate the point.


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Re: Locked TAB functionality.
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2014, 09:42:57 »
I second that GrandSP.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Locked TAB functionality.
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2014, 09:49:10 »
Settings if it should open new tab when going to new location of tab is locked is already added in the current beta


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Re: Locked TAB functionality.
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2014, 04:06:27 »
Settings if it should open new tab when going to new location of tab is locked is already added in the current beta

Somehow I think you are misunderstanding the point of this topic. :(

Regardless of whether I have the option checked or not, whenever I move UP the path a new Tab is opened.

"Lock Tab - Allow subpath change" is great, I use this ALL the time on my locked tabs. It keeps my locked Tab and all the sub-folders together.
That option is not in question. It does what you intended and what I need. It is the moving UP the path that is broken.
Sometimes when I click, " .. ", to move up the path, I sometimes click again by mistake and a new Tab opens with the parent folder.
It shouldn't! That is the aspect of 'Locking the Tab' that should be addressed.
A simple error message or audible error tone or something, just to alert the user, "Sorry, you don't want to go that way, you have locked the Tab."

Likewise clicking the higher level folders in the pathname shouldn't be possible when this option is chosen.


In this example the locked Tab is FourthLevel. All the folders under this should, and do, open in the same Tab.
Anything above that, C:, TopLevel, SecondLevel or ThirdLevel should return an error message of some kind indicating access from this 'Locked Tab' is denied.

Otherwise the functionality of 'locking the Tab' is gone. I can move freely up and down this directory tree without locking tabs, all locking them does is start a new Tab. If I wanted a new Tab I can simply Ctrl-T and make one using the current folder as a starting point.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Locked TAB functionality.
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2014, 11:54:59 »
Settings if it should open new tab when going to new location of tab is locked is already added in the current beta

Somehow I think you are misunderstanding the point of this topic. :(

Regardless of whether I have the option checked or not, whenever I move UP the path a new Tab is opened.

"Lock Tab - Allow subpath change" is great, I use this ALL the time on my locked tabs. It keeps my locked Tab and all the sub-folders together.
That option is not in question. It does what you intended and what I need. It is the moving UP the path that is broken.
Sometimes when I click, " .. ", to move up the path, I sometimes click again by mistake and a new Tab opens with the parent folder.
It shouldn't! That is the aspect of 'Locking the Tab' that should be addressed.
A simple error message or audible error tone or something, just to alert the user, "Sorry, you don't want to go that way, you have locked the Tab."

Likewise clicking the higher level folders in the pathname shouldn't be possible when this option is chosen.


In this example the locked Tab is FourthLevel. All the folders under this should, and do, open in the same Tab.
Anything above that, C:, TopLevel, SecondLevel or ThirdLevel should return an error message of some kind indicating access from this 'Locked Tab' is denied.

Otherwise the functionality of 'locking the Tab' is gone. I can move freely up and down this directory tree without locking tabs, all locking them does is start a new Tab. If I wanted a new Tab I can simply Ctrl-T and make one using the current folder as a starting point.

But.... That is what that new option do. 

If you disable the settings "Open new tab when going to new location if tab is locked" in (Explorer Panel Settings under the Tab category)

If I go to C:\MyFolder\Folder1  then I lock the tab. Then if I tries got to ".." or click on C:\MyFolder or something else that would take me way.
It would not allow that and a new tab with that path is NOT create. No new tab and current tab is still at the same path.


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Re: Locked TAB functionality.
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2014, 10:43:18 »
Awesome Mathias! That option works perfectly for me! Thanks so much


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Re: Locked TAB functionality.
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2014, 02:53:26 »
Mathias, I am sorry, I kept checking for an update using "Help" -- "Check for updates" but nothing showed as being available.
It was only when I ran the MultiUpdate tool that a new update was provided.

Yes, as you say, there is now that option in the settings. And it works PERFECTLY!!

Just want I wanted. Thank you.

So can I conclude from this that the setting inside the MultiUpdate tool to also include 'beta' updates doesn't apply in the menu command?

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Locked TAB functionality.
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2014, 07:12:49 »
Mathias, I am sorry, I kept checking for an update using "Help" -- "Check for updates" but nothing showed as being available.
It was only when I ran the MultiUpdate tool that a new update was provided.

Yes, as you say, there is now that option in the settings. And it works PERFECTLY!!

Just want I wanted. Thank you.

So can I conclude from this that the setting inside the MultiUpdate tool to also include 'beta' updates doesn't apply in the menu command?
Under core settings you need to enable so that it checks and download Beta version, Then you don't need to run multiupdate separately