Author Topic: Quick Search  (Read 24840 times)


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Quick Search
« on: April 01, 2014, 13:38:03 »
Hi Mathias

Hope that this post finds you well. Not sure if this as been answered before but when doing a "Quick search" is it possible to only display the files or folders that matches the search?


Mathias (Author)

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Re: Quick Search
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2014, 13:47:05 »
Sound like you want to filter the view to only show what you type.
Ctrl+F and start typing, the the view is filtering for every character you type.


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Re: Quick Search
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2014, 14:20:22 »
I'm missing this feature as well.

Using filter view is ineligible for navigating the file list (for instance, you can't use the arrow keys for changing it's selection).

It helps navigating a lot if you can type only the first character(s) and see the matching entries without the need to move yor gaze to the list's end, then scrolling it while looking for the right entry.

Surely you noticed that another very popular * commander already provides that feature.
Hope to find it in MC some day so I can give it another chance :)

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Re: Quick Search
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2014, 15:02:51 »
Filter while typing or Search while typing are different thing and filtering while typing it is at Ctrl+F.
Search by typing is also there and you can configure how it should work because it is default configured different depending on setup type

Explorer Panel Settings  > Display (tab) > Keyboard handling (category)


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Re: Quick Search
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2014, 06:43:24 »
The only thing I miss from that "other file-manager" is SubDir BranchView, the ability to create custom Menu (drop-downs) and adding ToolBar menus (drop-downs) to icons on the toolbar (e.g Toolbars within ToolBars). And MC technically has SubDir BranchView, it just doesn't work quite as effectively.

I've tried almost every single File-Manager you can name, except for DOpus. And MC is damned impressive,  both in its customization options (which rivals Speed Commander) and featureset which *almost* rivals - that "other file-manager" --- which MC does without plugins. MC is much like Opera 7-12 in that respect.

If Matthias does implement a GUI accessible QuickFilter, I'd hope it would be regex (or have the option) without needing a damned HACK to do so -- see that "other file manager".

If Matthias actually added those few things, and the GUI QuickFilter, I'd be first in line to donate at least $100. Then I could ditch that "other file manager" completely. Of course time-wise we'd be looking at at least 100 man hours to do so, and unreasonable to expect Matthias would focus on things that aren't relevant/important to him when it would be such a significant time investment.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 07:03:29 by Crash+Burn »

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Quick Search
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2014, 09:14:14 »
GUI QuickFilter

What is GUI QuickFilter for you ?


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Re: Quick Search
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2014, 13:50:52 »
I went thru a pile of dual-pane file managers.  My personal benchmark for file manager was DOpus.  Had MC not come along I would be using that I think.

As to searching - I found the features in the recent builds of xyplorer novel : -
Click and Search
Tag Clouds
Ignore Articles When Sorting

Not had time to try them, not sure if there is any real advantage to me,  as far as the implementation goes, compared to using MCs search functions. 
The ctrl+f field gives me most of the filtering I can think of right now, & the 'multiscript to button' feature allows me a regex or 2 to be applied for regular specific filtering ops.

As to donations - is there a donate button planned, or am I just not finding it?


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Re: Quick Search
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2014, 20:52:07 »
There are a handful of things that I think TC has gotten 100% correct, as far as implementation and configuration is concerned.

GUI QuickFilter is probably vague, and even in that case TC isn't optimum as it's own implementation refuses to permit Regex - even though it has a regex library and you can use it almost everywhere else. Anyways,  Idigress somewhat...

GUI QuickFilter (with Regex), a simple ":" as the leading character within MC's [*.*] Filter in the panel status bar, to indicate using Regex instead of "glob" or Windows CMD like ? (single char) * (any char).

As is the Filter implementation already has a number of fancier-than-most filtering type capabilities. What would perfect it (nearly) would be the "funnel" icon when clicked, toggles between:
1) Hide All Files that don't match 'this string' (where the string *could* be a regex). OR
2) Jump to the file that matches 'this string' --- instead of hiding files.
3) A single Toggle checkbox to the left of the [*.*] filter, that enables the filter to be
---> a) Normal: Only show files that match.
---> b) Exclusion: Only show files that DO NOT match (the [*.*] filter).
The "toggle state" of the Funnel Icon would be static.

The ability to filter OUT and filter IN is something that few tools enable --- yet its a very powerful concept, similiar (to me, in power at least) in how
1) EmEditor allows one to do multiple regex's in batch (one after the other), along with an interface to save those regex batches for future use.
2) Most old usenet readers scoring capabilities.
3) Opera M2 mail's filtering
4) Any tool that allows multiple 'FIND' criteria, where the match can be indicated as:
---->  EqualTo, >=,<=, <, >, NotEqualTo.

I frequently find myself annoyed at online shopping for instance, as almost no Store (none that I have seen at least) allow one to filter OUT, only the ability to filter IN (exclude things that don't have X-trait).

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Quick Search
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2014, 22:47:22 »
GUI QuickFilter (with Regex), a simple ":" as the leading character within MC's [*.*] Filter in the panel status bar, to indicate using Regex instead of "glob" or Windows CMD like ? (single char) * (any char).
Ahh So you mean that the ViewFilter should support RegExp.. I got that on my list but it is not so easy. specially the performance bit. since regexp are extremely slow compared to normal wildcard matching.

The ability to filter OUT and filter IN is something that few tools enable --- yet its a very powerful concept, similiar (to me, in power at least) in how
1) EmEditor allows one to do multiple regex's in batch (one after the other), along with an interface to save those regex batches for future use.
2) Most old usenet readers scoring capabilities.
3) Opera M2 mail's filtering
4) Any tool that allows multiple 'FIND' criteria, where the match can be indicated as:
---->  EqualTo, >=,<=, <, >, NotEqualTo.
Filtering mail and files are a bit different. :)
I think it is a bit overkill. specially for what it would require to add something like that.
Might be able to add something so it can be done by script, But doing it with UI support and all
would require to much work for something that almost no-one would use.

I frequently find myself annoyed at online shopping for instance, as almost no Store (none that I have seen at least) allow one to filter OUT, only the ability to filter IN (exclude things that don't have X-trait).
I think that it is because almost no users would do that. To complicated for most normal users. And adding a complex feature for the 1% cost to much, cost being the developing time, Most dev teams focus on what would bring most value to most users. Special 1% features are added if times allows it, and often there is not much time left for them. I worked on so many dev projects and it is always like that. special 1% feature are always pushed down the list and almost never added. Cost to much.