Author Topic: UNC paths  (Read 16829 times)


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UNC paths
« on: June 18, 2014, 02:58:50 »
First, Multi Commander is a great product!
My question: is there an easy way to connect to a UNC path? Most products I have used just allow you to click in a box, and start typing. Assuming there is something similar in Multi Commander, but can't find it.....
Also, once connected to the path, is there an easy way to save that as a favorite/bookmark? The only process I can find is to add it to favorites, which seems to take 'multiple' clicks, and then to reconnect is also a number of clicks....
I've probably missed something obvious..

Mathias (Author)

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Re: UNC paths
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2014, 08:05:54 »
You can enter a UNC Network path in the command line field and you can enter it in the path field. click on it or press Ctrl+E to edit it.
And If it is in the clipboard you can paste it and it will go there.

And for favorites..

You have 10 quick path slots in the favorites windows.. these are accessed by Ctrl+1 , Ctrl+2 and so on.
You can also add a Alias to the command line if you like typing..  if you are standing at \\server\myshare\myfolder and type "alias2 mf" (yes it is a 2, no typo)  then a alias named "mf" is create for current path.  so when you type "mf" it will go to that path
And you can also create commands to take you to favorite location and then add them to the menu and buttons and quick launchbar. 
and in the favorites window can have unlimited (shown with alt+backspace, or press star icon)


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Re: UNC paths
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2014, 14:00:39 »
Thanks, will give them a go!