Author Topic: a bunch of questions  (Read 18056 times)


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a bunch of questions
« on: August 18, 2014, 04:43:24 »
Hi there, loving the programme but a couple (few, i've been saving them) of questions
1) when i use file finder/search funtion nothing appears to happen, there are no results everythings is as it was. I also want to be able to search a bunch of folders and save the resuls to a speadsheet or note pad or something
2) when i start multi comander it defaults to 50/50. how do i get it to default to 100/0
3) it doesn't always refresh even when i use the refresh button so i need to close it down then start up again to see new files
4) when i want to shift files it always asks if i want to, can i turn this off
thanks for any help

Mathias (Author)

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Re: a bunch of questions
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2014, 07:15:29 »
1) Bit hard to say what you did wrong. and when you have the result you can copy the names of all the selected items with Menu > Tools > To Clipboard > xxx

2) MC is designed for multi panel usage. (Source and target panel) If you run in 100/0 the "hidden" panel is still there and a lot of features will work on the "Target" panel. And if you minimize it to 0 size you can do things in that panel without so seeing what you are doing. Therefore it will not save a 100/0 setup.
You can force it by script that run at startup.

3) Strange. YOu have a use case where this happening ? it is the same with F5/F2 (Depending on keysetup) or only if you click refresh button ?

4) I do not know what "shift files" is ?


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Re: a bunch of questions
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2014, 07:14:30 »
thanks for the quick reply, sorry about my slow one
1) i'll sort it out (i hope)
2) how do that?
3)it only happens when i unrar something to a different drive, whatever i unrared does't show without restarting
4)I meant moving or copying a file

cheers neil

Mathias (Author)

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Re: a bunch of questions
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2014, 10:14:45 »
2. Create a "User defined command" of the type "Internal command", Name the Command "ChangeSplitSize" or something.
In the command setup select "module" select "MultiCommander (Base)" and for command select "0/100" (or 100/0)
save it.

Create a shortcut to MultiCommander.exe (or edit existing one) and add commandline paramter "-AutoRun=ChangeSplitSize"

Now the command ChangeSplitSize will be run at startup.

BUT do not blame me if you accidentally do something in the hidden panel.

3. Not able to reproduce that.

4. For drag and drop there is a settings for it in Core Settings under fileysstem. Else you can create your one "Copy"/"Move" command from script and in the script tell it not to show a dialog and then you assign the copy key to that command
By disabling the dialog then filters, plugins, and options can not be used.


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Re: a bunch of questions
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2014, 00:07:26 »
Thanks heaps for the help