Author Topic: A way to reduce waiting time for file properties tool tip?  (Read 15674 times)


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A way to reduce waiting time for file properties tool tip?
« on: October 07, 2014, 21:22:47 »
The time to wait for MC tool tips showing file properties to pop up is a little long - for me, when hovering file names.  Not terrible, but considerably slower than regular Explorer.

I estimate that Explorer takes ~ 1/2 sec to pop up file properties, once the mouse is paused over a file name.  MC takes approx. 3x that long.

If there's no way for users to adjust that (mainly for the file properties tool tip) -  either a menu setting or knowing the right file & entry where the value can be altered manually, I'll live with it.

Another issue:
MC doesn't seem to display the full folder name in tree folder - when hovered, if the name is truncated by the panel width (as Explorer does).
I read & searched the online documentation for a setting on this - found nothing.  I'd sort of expect this would be default behavior, like many apps do when folder or even path names are partially hidden.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: A way to reduce waiting time for file properties tool tip?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 07:41:25 »
(For me Explorer is slower or about the same (maybe even slower).. But maybe you tweaked the speed for it in Explorer. Anyway that is not impotent..)
For MC it is 1.5s and it is not configurable.. (Not everything can be and there are already way to much config.)
But there are plans to change a lot with the tooltips so when they are rewritten the wait time might be changeable. someway.. maybe not via a public settings, since it is very tweaky settings, but some advanced way..

The Folder Tree is not column based with fixed with so it not show name truncated.  So there for tooltips does not popup. If the Folder Tree get to be to width scrollbars popup. But the problem is that they are shown by another UI layer and the FolderTree do not know about it