That radio buttons is in the pick color dialog that pops up.
I'm very sorry, but I can not see neither an option "use default background color" nor a radio button "Background Color" in this Colors tab of Explorer Pane dialog 
I suppose, that I might work with the wrong dialog. Could you please describe a bit more exactly, which way should I reach this dialog, which you mean?
No. Not inside the tab.. I said in the "pick color" dialog that popsup

1. Check "Use File specified background colors"
2. Check "Use Folder specified background colors"
3. Click on Focus item under Files.
4. Color Pick Dialog shown. Uncheck "use default background" and select "background color"
5. Pick a color.. then press OK..
6. Click on Focus item under Folder
7. Color Pick Dialog shown. Uncheck "use default background" and select "background color"
8. Pick a color.. then press OK..
9. Press Save or Apply in the settings dialog..
10. Colors changed.