Author Topic: Drop Down Menu from QuickLaunchBar Icon  (Read 18629 times)


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Drop Down Menu from QuickLaunchBar Icon
« on: October 23, 2014, 21:07:02 »
We currently can define custom Menu's (awesome). Is there any possibility of similar functionality from a UserDefinedCommand on the QuickLaunchBar?

I see that some built-in commands on the Toolbar have drop-downs, and a few have right-click context-menu drop-downs.

1) Create a custom Menu: "MyCustomMenu1"
2) Choose an option to not display it on the MenuBar (File|Edit...)
3) Create a UserDefinedCommand that references the custom Menu "MyCustomMenu1"

So the custom menu would drop-down when the UserDefinedCommand button is clicked.

NOTE: The Function-bar is also functionally great -- what it exposes, enables and it's ability to switch states via modify keys (ctrl|shift|etc). Although it is definitely limited in what can be reasonably contained within it's various buttons, and becomes somewhat awkward to hide/show it when needed. As well as visually jarring when it jumps between states when you are just pressing a modifier key for something else.


Addenum: Is this something that could be implemented with MC's plugin architechture?

« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 21:25:09 by Crash+Burn »

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Drop Down Menu from QuickLaunchBar Icon
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2014, 16:28:12 »
No.. The quick lauchbar is not a toolbar.  it looks like it but it is not. So it does not support dropdown buttons

NOTE: The Function-bar is also functionally great -- what it exposes, enables and it's ability to switch states via modify keys (ctrl|shift|etc). Although it is definitely limited in what can be reasonably contained within it's various buttons, and becomes somewhat awkward to hide/show it when needed. As well as visually jarring when it jumps between states when you are just pressing a modifier key for something else.

You mean buttonpanel ? Limited ? you can put almost anything there.. externals, script, internal commands.
You can change how many rows you want and you can also disable the alternative buttons when modifier keys is used

Addenum: Is this something that could be implemented with MC's plugin architechture?
Dont think so,  but maybe. depends on exactly what you want to do


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Re: Drop Down Menu from QuickLaunchBar Icon
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2014, 21:36:18 »
Sorry, I did NOT mean limited in what the FunctionBar can do.

I meant limited in that it relies on a set amount of space. Not what can be contained within a single [button].

A button that can have a drop-down menu could have 20+ items all by itself. Whereas the bottom function-bar with 20 buttons takes up a significant amount of space.

Basically, I have a lot of scripts (both AHK and CMD/Batch) that take various file inputs (selected, or whole folders) and currently within MC there isn't really a viable way to place those into the interface aside from a custom menu.

MC is one of the cleanest/functional/customizable File Managers that I have used, but the Function Bar detracts from that Clean Visual (uncluttered) Appearance.  I look at something like XYPlorer for instance and its Main Menu's are so cluttered with things that you might rarely (if ever) use to the point that it makes the menu's nearly unusable.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2014, 22:16:32 by Crash+Burn »


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Re: Drop Down Menu from QuickLaunchBar Icon
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2014, 21:31:31 »
I was thinking how this could be accomplished with existing MC features, or with AHK.

With AHK one could create a listView (drop-down) at the mouse cursor, which could have MC commands in it - though I'm unsure if it's possible to send MC commands externally.

The other idea of how to do "drop down menus" was, IF beyond the existing (default) "Button Panel/Window", one could create Multiple Button Panels/Windows.

Each Panel would need it's own definable dimensions Row/Columns.
A dialog would be needed to manage the Button Panels (similiar to others MC uses).
Hotkeys (shortcuts) would need to be able to activate (show/hide) a given panel.
Perhaps a MC.ShowButtonPanel "Name|ID" command.

Given those things, one could assign a MC command to the users QuickLaunch to display a given Button Panel (which appears to recall it's last size and position).

Perhaps a checkbox on the panel itself, or within it's options to "Hide after use".

Probably more work than being able to display a Custom User Menu via a MC command though.