Author Topic: Bugs F02  (Read 30899 times)


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Bugs F02
« on: February 12, 2015, 12:14:04 »
Those were found after my testing yesterday.
Note that not all may be bugs, but if they are not, just tell me.

*F02-1: Bug/BF: focused folders can shrink
What it suppose to do: Not shrink
What it actually does: Folder font causes shrink
For folders I have changed the font to bold in color customization, in order to distinct them from files with ease.
The problem is that I did not find a way to do the same for the focused/selected setting.
So when a folder is focused/selected, is shrinks to normal font size.
If I change the setting to bold (from main settings not colors), it makes everything bold, inlcuding files.
 +F02-2: Related: focus needs a background area change.
Instead of changing file colors when focused it more easy to have a slight background variation (or file color alteration).

*F02-3: Bad Feature: Accidental delayed 1st click renames
What it suppose to do: nothing
What it actually does: enables rename
This happens way too ofter. Although I prefer keyboard only when it comes to FMs, many users do use the mouse.
When clicking something and after a while clicking again, the file suddenly becomes renameable.
This bad behavior is also known in WOS explorer. It needs to have an option to be disabled.

*F02-4: Bug (small): Sometimes colors do not apply
After several modifications and reloads, custom file color no longer changed.
They did work after a reload of MC, but this is still a bug.

*F02-5 Bug: file attributes for directories hidden/system do not work in color settings
Color selection system does not appear to distinguish folders that have H and S attributes in order to give them a different color than standard folders.
If the ruleset applies in the order it is listed in the color system, this will require further testing to be confirmed.

*F02-6 Bug: MC crashed on FTP access
When trying to access a FTP, File management for professionals crashed with send /don't send (OS: W7x64).
This is clearly a disadvantage of using external functionality instead of integrated one.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Bugs F02
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2015, 12:48:44 »
Those were found after my testing yesterday.
Note that not all may be bugs, but if they are not, just tell me.

*F02-1: Bug/BF: focused folders can shrink
What it suppose to do: Not shrink
What it actually does: Folder font causes shrink
For folders I have changed the font to bold in color customization, in order to distinct them from files with ease.
The problem is that I did not find a way to do the same for the focused/selected setting.
So when a folder is focused/selected, is shrinks to normal font size.
If I change the setting to bold (from main settings not colors), it makes everything bold, inlcuding files.
shrink ?? No all items must have the same font size.
Or do you only mean the font style.. Normal style vs Bold Style ?
Rule based file coloring can no be based on item state. (selected,focus,normal,select and focus) YET.  because file coloring is cached and is handled in the background so including item state in the rules are not trivial. However I do have a plan for it. It will require a bit of internal redesign.

+F02-2: Related: focus needs a background area change.
Instead of changing file colors when focused it more easy to have a slight background variation (or file color alteration).
In Explorer Panel settings you need to enable so that file/folder can overrride the default background. Then the background color will also be set.

*F02-3: Bad Feature: Accidental delayed 1st click renames
What it suppose to do: nothing
What it actually does: enables rename
This happens way too ofter. Although I prefer keyboard only when it comes to FMs, many users do use the mouse.
When clicking something and after a while clicking again, the file suddenly becomes renameable.
This bad behavior is also known in WOS explorer. It needs to have an option to be disabled.
I would not call this bad since it is standard behavior in Windows. Click and wait and it enters rename mode.

*F02-4: Bug (small): Sometimes colors do not apply
After several modifications and reloads, custom file color no longer changed.
They did work after a reload of MC, but this is still a bug.
As I said in mail. I never seen this happen and I'm not able to reproduce this. And since it fixed it self after restart of program. It is not so serious.
Maybe something got corrupted or something. Might be that one special settings caused a conflict with something else. Impossible to tell.

*F02-5 Bug: file attributes for directories hidden/system do not work in color settings
Color selection system does not appear to distinguish folders that have H and S attributes in order to give them a different color than standard folders.
If the ruleset applies in the order it is listed in the color system, this will require further testing to be confirmed.
R/H is handled different. But rule based colors is cached so you might need to force a color refresh. (Until cache times and and refresh by it self)

*F02-6 Bug: MC crashed on FTP access
When trying to access a FTP, File management for professionals crashed with send /don't send (OS: W7x64).
This is clearly a disadvantage of using external functionality instead of integrated one.
No able to reproduce.
Problem is that every FTP server are a little different and many of them do not follow the standard and do there own stuff.
MC have been tested on a lot of them. And I have not found any server cause a crash. But the server you uses might be doing something different
from all the other I have run against.


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Re: Bugs F02
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2015, 14:38:29 »
I will do further testing on the FTP.

The rename thing is a problem and its best to be avoided. Starting to rename protected folders with locked sub-content can even break the OS. That's one of the causes we use we use file managers after all, to evade windows bad things from happening.
About the fonts, yes, Normal style vs Bold Style. Folders in Bold get set to normal when focused. This causes a shrink effect.


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Re: Bugs F02
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2015, 07:49:45 »
FTP still crashes.
I have attached the debug info.

So, is there a way to prevent the directory shrinking thing while keeping the current settings ?

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Bugs F02
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2015, 08:19:50 »
FTP still crashes.
I have attached the debug info.
Any info on what FTP server it is ? and how far does it come. Do it login but fail on listing ?
There is a FTP log  You can see in that how far it gets.

So, is there a way to prevent the directory shrinking thing while keeping the current settings ?
sorry. If you are changing font style then you will get that effect.


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Re: Bugs F02
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2015, 10:23:22 »
It crashes at folder listing command.

2015-02-13 08:16:25 < 200 Command OPTS okay.
2015-02-13 08:16:25 > TYPE A
2015-02-13 08:16:25 < 200 Command TYPE okay.
2015-02-13 08:16:25 > MODE S
2015-02-13 08:16:25 < 200 Command MODE okay.
2015-02-13 08:16:25 > STRU F
2015-02-13 08:16:25 < 200 Command STRU okay.
2015-02-13 08:16:25 > CWD /
2015-02-13 08:16:25 < 250 Directory changed to /
2015-02-13 08:16:25 > PORT 106,113,122,117,87,34
2015-02-13 08:16:25 < 200 Command PORT okay.
2015-02-13 08:16:25 > LIST
2015-02-13 08:16:28 = Connection Lost.

The normal response in this case would be: "could not get directory listing."
So it crashes between LIST cmd and returned response.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Bugs F02
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2015, 10:59:57 »
My guess that the FTP server sends a file list that is in a format that is way different from other server.

There is no text that say what FTP server it is.. like if it is FileZilla FTP Server, WS FTP Server, ProFTPD , or any of the 1000 other
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 11:02:15 by Mathias (Author) »


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Re: Bugs F02
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2015, 11:31:49 »
Its a server from Samsung which has very strict security policies.

I have finally managed to set the file colors as I need directly from the XMls.
They look like this:

Basically, colors are set for file types and they are a little darker if files are hidden.

One new issue I encounter now: when changing attributes from hidden to not hidden or vice-versa, the file colors do not update, even if I change folder and even with rescan option active. The only way to update this is by restarting MC. So file color attributes should be reloaded after files change. Renaming does reload FC properties, so they do change color if renamed, but that does not apply for changing attributes.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Bugs F02
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2015, 12:40:19 »
Its a server from Samsung which has very strict security policies.
I do not mean who is running the server.. more what kind of server software it is.

One new issue I encounter now: when changing attributes from hidden to not hidden or vice-versa, the file colors do not update, even if I change folder and even with rescan option active. The only way to update this is by restarting MC. So file color attributes should be reloaded after files change. Renaming does reload FC properties, so they do change color if renamed, but that does not apply for changing attributes.
As I said before that is because the colors are cached. But refreshing colors (not filesystem), should reapply the colors.
look in popup for color wheel.
Work for rename because then the file item is removed and a new is created.


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Re: Bugs F02
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2015, 13:14:08 »
I was looking for an option to automatically refresh colors upon folder change (if too hard to implement for attribute change).

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Bugs F02
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2015, 13:28:10 »
Might be able to script it if you change folder using keyboard (like return key)

MultiScript that will run the "normal change folder command" first and then the refresh file colors command.
I can check later