- I have always wondered, when it would be possible to go forward or backward in a directory by using the forward and backward cursor keys only. This has been my dream on a windows PC as far back as I can remember! Alt + back/forward cursor key, is hard work. Why the Alt??? I mean the guys a third wheel!

- Hovering over a folder does not show folder size. Size should not be a feature for files only.
- Holding down control while double-clicking on a folder should open it up in a new tab.
- In a 2 separate MC windows situation, rapidly dragging a file from one multi commander window into another will switch to the tab I had to drag the file over to access the main tab which was initially open (that is, the tab I had originally intended to drag the file into). What I mean is, while dragging a file across the tab-bar, the initially open tab need not change if I RAPIDLY cross over any other tab in the tab-bar. So, the open tab prior to my drag and drop was was my intended drop tab, and not the tab I temporarily cross (but not hover over) to make the transaction.
- Lastly, my main problem so far with MC. There is an obvious problem with windows Portable Devices (Removable Devices, portable devices, "WPD:\"). In my experience, removing and replugging a media device, or removing the device to plug in a new device results in a problem! MC would show the Media device name, but open up to a blank directory. When this happens, I have to restart MC and loose the last tabs I was working on. (And just like that another idea suddenly came up. How about adding an option to re-open recently closed tab(s)?. Certainly, some may frown at this for security reasons. But others may find this useful)
Still on Portable devices, details of internal memory, and memory card are not obviously displayed in "portable device" directory. They should! Better still, how about adding a sort of "My computer" option (incorporated into the Pull down menu) that summaries key details of main things? It may solve the "portable device problem" I mentioned earlier, and more importantly give Cross-sectional summary information on key computer components.

I am happy that "thumbnails details" is been seriously considered. It will make a difference!
Thanks again. As at this post I was using MC v4.6.2 (build 1804) 64 bit.