Author Topic: Dump of options and drives buttons  (Read 13783 times)


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Dump of options and drives buttons
« on: June 29, 2015, 18:29:02 »
Respected Mathias Svensson!

I use your program MultiCommander v5.1.1 (build 1926) 64 bit Edition in Russian. Many thanks for it!

I ask you to correct the following bug. At profile change through "Quick Look'n'Feel Setup" the parametres by default picked up for "Explorer Panel Settings" are dumped, namely: fonts, detailed view mode (file extension, show size as, size unit). Export, import does not help. Also it would be good, that the button of the chosen drive on "explorer panel toolbars" looked pressed and at mouse prompting on these buttons helps swam in. I am sorry for my English.

Yours faithfully,

Vadim Midako
« Last Edit: June 29, 2015, 21:53:56 by Midako »