Author Topic: Can you add an Editor icon to the toolbar?  (Read 18338 times)


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Can you add an Editor icon to the toolbar?
« on: December 07, 2015, 16:22:13 »
I am (reasonably) happy with Notepad as the default editor but there are many occasions when I use either Notepad 2 or the excellent Notepad ++.

Is it possible to create an entry in the File Type Setup / Editors section to do that.

I have added Notepad ++ and set the relevant icon.  I have also configured it to deal with .htm .html .css .js files at present.

All of that seems to work; if I highlight a file and then click either F9 or use the Edit (F9) button in the button bar.

However, no icon seems to appear anywhere other than next to the specified file types in the pane.

Ideally, I would like to see the icon somewhere,, such as the Quick Launch bar, so that I could simply drag a file over to that if it was convenient.  The suggested method of dragging or dropping the program to insert the icon on the Quick Launch bar does not work - at least for me!

Incidentally, in trying various strategies I managed at one time to add a Notepad icon somewhere on one of the toolbars, (a the end of the Command line?) but that no longer appears. Resolved.  It seems the checkbox in core configuration has been cleared.

Sorry for asking what may be yet another trivial question but I am trying to come to grips with, and thoroughly explore, this excellent software package.

Just checked on another computer and the icons for Notepad, Calc and Command Window do appear at the end of the Command bar.  How can they be reinstated?

« Last Edit: December 07, 2015, 17:21:43 by Alanrf »
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Used 'em all from DOS 2.0 onwards.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Can you add an Editor icon to the toolbar?
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2015, 22:12:23 »
If you want to change the "default" editor..  change the entry named "[Default Editor]" , the one that by default is set to notepad.
Change that so it points to notepad++ instead


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Re: Can you add an Editor icon to the toolbar?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2015, 08:07:45 »
What I want to do is to add another editot to the Quick Launch bar.  I tried to add the Notepad++ program by the method given in the online help but I could't make it happen.

Must have been doing somethingbwrong but I don't know what.
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Re: Can you add an Editor icon to the toolbar?
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2015, 08:34:45 »
Just drag and drop notepad++.exe to the quicklaunchbar and it is added

But that will not hook it up into the system. So it is used when pressing edit.
You then have to drag and drop file onto it for it to be sent as parameter to it
The Quick launch bar is just like the QuickLaunchbar you had in XP on the taskbar.  A list of program that you can launch fast by clicking on them.


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Re: Can you add an Editor icon to the toolbar?
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2015, 16:05:04 »
Thanks for the swift response.   Just tried doing that, using exactly the same technique as before and - success!  ;D

 I knew it should have been that easy but I have absolutely no idea why it would not work before, not once, not twice but three times and it failed every time. I suppose by now i should not be surprised that computers have a will of their own!   :'(
Now using Win 10.
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Mathias (Author)

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Re: Can you add an Editor icon to the toolbar?
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2015, 22:52:21 »
Maybe you disbale the option for it..
If you right click on the Quick Launch Bar (Between buttons or after a button, not on it) you have a option to allow it. It should be ON by default