Script packing the focused directory in user defined target directory:
@var $strArhPath = GetSourceFocusPath()
@var $strName = GetSourceFocusName()
@var $strArhName = 'C:\temp\'+$strName+'.7z'
//DeleteFile($strArhName, "NODIALOG, NOPROGRESS, SILENT");
PackFile($strArhName, $strArhPath, "*.*", "7-Zip", "NOWAIT, OVERWRITEALL");
If archive exists, then constantly repeat dialog box action with file (dialog.png)
Also this result received pack directory manual (Alt+F5) with matching file name exist archive (filename.png)
I have to first remove the file, and then pack (in script disabled for demonstration).
How to do the rewriting without additional script function?
Please help me resolving problem.