You got the favorites under the virtual path FAV: that is listed in the tree and device dropdown and on the device toolbar
Yes I found this - that helps. But unless I lock the tab it keeps changing. Still - a great feature, especially if I do lock the tab and then use Ctrl + right arrow to open the link in the right hand panel. Is there a mouse shortcut for opening the link in another tab? Middle click should work, but it seems to have no effect when the Tab is locked - only works on unlocked tabs and then the link will be opened in a new tab in the other panel.
Since FAV: is a virtual fake filesystem, But is is a bit limited, So some things in MC fails on it.
I will check If I can make FAV: fake folders better
Normally Middle button opens new folder as a new Tab (Configurable under mouse settings in Explorer Panel settings)
You can get it to open a new tab on from a locked tab that is showing FAV:
There is a settings in Explorer Panel under the "Tab" section
[.] Open new tab when going to new location if tab is locked
Also it is possible to create a script for it that take the focus item (from FAV) and then go to that in the other tab..
Create a UserDefinedCommand of type MultiScript and enter the code below. Then save the command and add a hotkey/button/menu
@var $folder = GetSourceFocusPath();
MC.Explorer.Goto TARGET="{$folder}"
Then when you are under FAV: and have a favorites in focus press the hotkey/button/menu
And it will open that path in the active panel on the other side.