Author Topic: Displaying Favorites MS Explorer style  (Read 18570 times)


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Displaying Favorites MS Explorer style
« on: April 20, 2016, 13:32:28 »

Is there a way to show my favorites in  a permanent tree type arrangement rather than through the favorites window? Like the standard windows explorer favorites - always visible and ready to go?

Thanks for your help.



Mathias (Author)

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Re: Displaying Favorites MS Explorer style
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2016, 19:00:51 »
You got the favorites under the virtual path FAV: that is listed in the tree and device dropdown and on the device toolbar
You also have it as a popup on right click on the path area.
Or when you press Star button
Or Hot key Alt+Back


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Re: Displaying Favorites MS Explorer style
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2016, 23:25:47 »
You got the favorites under the virtual path FAV: that is listed in the tree and device dropdown and on the device toolbar
Yes I found this - that helps. But unless I lock the tab it keeps changing. Still - a great feature, especially if I do lock the tab and then use Ctrl + right arrow to open the link in the right hand panel. Is there a mouse shortcut for opening the link in another tab? Middle click should work, but it seems to have no effect when the Tab is locked - only works on unlocked tabs and then the link will be opened in a new tab in the other panel.

You also have it as a popup on right click on the path area.
That's a good one! I didn't know about that. Very helpful.

Or when you press Star button
Yes that's the window that pops up - also works well.

Thanks again for helping out. Great program! Second day using it today & getting used to it. I've moved to Multi Commander from another 'commander' program because it kept crashing. I'm also finding MC to be faster than the other program. Nice work!
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 23:28:34 by Oliwally »

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Displaying Favorites MS Explorer style
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2016, 07:27:56 »
You got the favorites under the virtual path FAV: that is listed in the tree and device dropdown and on the device toolbar
Yes I found this - that helps. But unless I lock the tab it keeps changing. Still - a great feature, especially if I do lock the tab and then use Ctrl + right arrow to open the link in the right hand panel. Is there a mouse shortcut for opening the link in another tab? Middle click should work, but it seems to have no effect when the Tab is locked - only works on unlocked tabs and then the link will be opened in a new tab in the other panel.

Since FAV: is a virtual fake filesystem, But is is a bit limited, So some things in MC fails on it.
I will check If I can make FAV: fake folders better

Normally Middle button opens new folder as a new Tab (Configurable under mouse settings in Explorer Panel settings)

You can get it to open a new tab on from a locked tab that is showing FAV:
There is a settings in Explorer Panel under the "Tab" section
 [.] Open new tab when going to new location if tab is locked

Also it is possible to create a script for it that take the focus item (from FAV) and then go to that in the other tab..

Create a UserDefinedCommand of type MultiScript and enter the code below. Then save the command and add a hotkey/button/menu
Code: [Select]
@var $folder = GetSourceFocusPath();
MC.Explorer.Goto TARGET="{$folder}"
Then when you are under FAV: and have a favorites in focus press the hotkey/button/menu
And it will open that path in the active panel on the other side.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 07:38:02 by Mathias (Author) »


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Re: Displaying Favorites MS Explorer style
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2016, 13:52:10 »
You can get it to open a new tab on from a locked tab that is showing FAV:
There is a settings in Explorer Panel under the "Tab" section
 [.] Open new tab when going to new location if tab is locked

Yes! That works like a charm. Just what I need.

Also it is possible to create a script for it that take the focus item (from FAV) and then go to that in the other tab..

Well, I guess I don't need that, now that the other thing works. Good to know though.

Mathias, you're a magic man! Thanks very much for your prompt replies and great project.

Kind regards,
