Hi Susan.
Glad that you got it sorted and that I was of some help

I am technically a Newbie on this forum, although I have 45+ years programming under my belt. Not C++, sadly, and I am very new to MC. But loving it so far

I totally get where Mathias is going with MC, and I am very impressed (BTW, I'm not easily impressed with
most software I come across). For a one-man, part-time effort this is OUTSTANDING work!
I think Mathias has got his config TOTALLY right and it makes end-user (i.e., amateur) debugging SO much easier when config data is saved in well-formatted .xml files with sensible tag names! More developers should take a leaf out of his book, IMHO.
( Disclaimer: I do not know, nor have I any financial or otherwise arrangement with Mathias: he is Swedish, I am English and I have never left the UK: I simply know good software when I see it
