Author Topic: some questions  (Read 14744 times)


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some questions
« on: May 03, 2016, 13:32:33 »
Hello there.

Great piece of software you developed here. Im coming from Total commander (and im fed up with it because of some missing features, for example  "unpack queue" ).Yours have it and works beautifully.
I have couple of questions and im curious if i missed something in config windows.
1. Is there any keyboard shortcut (or able to define one) for change current path (edit path field above file list) ? - Found one way to do it (with user commands :)
2. Quick search (able to filter the result without going to (Ctrl+Shift_F) for filter) - (should have a filter check-box in search filed)
3. When opening a new tab it goes automatically to the root of the C drive (system drive i guess), Can we change this behavior?  for example clone tab in inactive panel.
4. Is there any settings where file operations like (copy,delete,archive,etc) to go automatically to the background?
5. Can we edit the toolbar (like adding shortcuts to software like in command line bar )?
6. After using external editor (notepadd++) when closing notepad++ focus is lost. this does not happen for external viewer (universal viewer).
7. In command line bar (if we press ctrl+enter in file explorer, on this file name for example Multi it goes to command line bar without quotes and nothing happens if we press enter in command line bar, in order for this to work (and launch associated .zip software) should be "Multi".

Thank you,


« Last Edit: May 03, 2016, 15:06:38 by markthepig »

Mathias (Author)

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Re: some questions
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2016, 17:16:31 »
1. Ctrl+E 
2. Ctrl+F changes the focus to the ViewFilter box. and then you can type there and the view is filtered live
3. ExplorerPanel Settings > Display (Tab  ) Go to to the "tab" section and there is a "Default Settings for new tab" sub-section. There you can configure default path for new tabs
4. There are always in the background. (Unless you do ctrl+v, Then it will hand off the copy to Windows. and then MC must block until done, or crazy thing can happen.)
5. Yes / No..  The default toolbar can not currently be customize but you have a Quick Launchbar after the CommandLine field. this can be modified and you can also enable a entire row with an additional quick launch bar.
6. MC do not have much control over this. all MC do is to launch notepad++,  It is up to windows to return focus, MC do not know when you are done
7. Note sure if it always should do that. I will check that.