Author Topic: Moving buttons to the Explorer Panel Toolbars inside the tab  (Read 14334 times)


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Dear Mathias,

Keeping with my tendency to minimize the user interface (and maximize room for content on small screens), I'd like to hide all the toolbars outside the Explorer Panel (outside tabs), as I tend to use keystrokes for most of the functions that the buttons in those toolbars offer.

However, there are a few buttons that would be useful to keep (such as a quick access to the calculator or the notepad). I wonder if in future versions we could perhaps move buttons of our choice over to the inside of the tab in the Explorer Panel--as there's still plenty of space alongside the device dropdown list. This could be a useful way to help users create their own customized interface, keeping only the buttons that they really need.

Thank you again for your fantastic work and attention to detail. All the best,


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Re: Moving buttons to the Explorer Panel Toolbars inside the tab
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2016, 14:50:42 »
  you can hide all the toolbars outside the explorer panels and the menu bar too, of course.

Since you are a keyboard user, it is easy to create simple user-defined commands to launch calc, notepad, etc.  and assign them to your own hot keys :)



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Re: Moving buttons to the Explorer Panel Toolbars inside the tab
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2016, 17:13:19 »
Thank you. Yeah, my phrasing was ambiguous. So I am hiding them already, I'd just like to keep them that way, while still being able to access a few helpful buttons. You're right, as long as there's no option to add buttons to the Explorer Panel, I should assign keys to these functions.