Thanks for the reply Mathias.
I only needed to Unhceck "Refresh tabs when application focus is returned to MC" to match your suggestions.
So far it has not randomly jumped again today.
It started jumping about in folders containing mixed files & folders after I posted, the example I gave originally was files only in a nested folder.
This reminded me of something that had happened a few builds back that had been fixed.
This may be unrelated to the build but this is very noticeable also (it came & went a few builds back if you recall) - why would a script slow down folder navigation (hold focus) & can I do anything about it?
eg I have a script to rename & move a file.----
If I simply move the file I can immediately navigate away from the folder whilst the process occurs.
Today I noticed that I must now wait until the copy/move op is completely finished before I can navigate away up the tree.
Is it the mix of MC custom command & script perhaps?
This is my button script:-
Log( 1, 10, "Renaming files to %%parent_folder_name%%[_N].*" );
@var $src_path = GetSourcePath();
@var $arr = PathGetParts( $src_path );
@var $name = $arr[0];
@var $prefix = StrReplace( PathGetPathPart( $src_path, 1 ), $name, "" );
@var $n = StrRFind( $prefix, "\\" );
if ( $n > 0 )
$prefix = StrSub( $prefix, $n + 1, StrLen( $prefix ) - $n - 1 );
@var $i;
@var $s;
@var $file;
@var $files;
$arr = GetSourceSelectedPaths();
for ( $i = 0; $i < arrayCount( $arr ); $i++ )
$file = $arr[$i];
$s = PathGetFileExtPart( $file );
$name = $prefix + "*" + $s;
$files = FindFiles( $src_path + $name );
$n = arrayCount( $files );
if ( $n == 0 )
$s = "";
if ( $n == 1 )
$s = $files[0];
RenameFile( $s, StrReplace( $name, "*", "_0" ), "RENAME_RO" );
$s = "_" + numtostr( $n );
RenameFile( $file, StrReplace( $name, "*", $s ), "RENAME_RO" );
Log( 1, 10, "It seems parent folder is root. Renaming impossible." );
// move
@var $arr1 = GetSourceSelectedPaths();
@var $items1 = arrayCount($arr1);
@var $MoveNameFullPath;
@var $targetPath;
@var $sourceFile;
@var $n1 = 0;
for( $n1 = 0; $n1 < $items1; $n1++ )
$MoveNameFullPath = $arr1[ $n1 ];
$targetPath = GetTargetPath();
$sourceFile = $MoveNameFullPath;
MoveFile( $targetPath, $sourceFile, "NODIALOG");