Author Topic: A few issues/questions reg MC 6.9.1 (b2306)  (Read 18147 times)


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A few issues/questions reg MC 6.9.1 (b2306)
« on: April 01, 2017, 11:03:35 »
I am a happy user of Multi Commander! :) And I look a few answers, how to improve my experience even more:
1) Is there an option to prevent computer going to sleep mode, when files are copied? (like in VLC - when VLC is open, computer will not go to sleep)

2) Is there a way to jump to the file when letters are entered in the keyboard (similarly like it is working in windows explorer), but in addition when you type second letter it will search by second letter as well.
E.g. there are three files in the folder: aa, ab, bb. If I type ab, I would expect cursor to be on the file 'ab'.

3) When moving files from iPhone (F6) iPhone panel is not refreshed (meaning moved files still appear on the list)

Thank you!


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Re: A few issues/questions reg MC 6.9.1 (b2306)
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2017, 12:43:41 »

1)  I don't believe so (but Mathias will know for sure)

2)  In Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings > Keyboard handling: make sure 'Quick Search' is checked and set 'Search keys' to 'Letter Only'

3)  I believe this is a limitation of Windows Portable Devices (but Mathias will know for sure).  To force a refresh, in the drive list at the top left of the Explorer Panel, click 'Refresh Devices' (bottom option).


Mathias (Author)

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Re: A few issues/questions reg MC 6.9.1 (b2306)
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2017, 13:26:29 »
I am a happy user of Multi Commander! :) And I look a few answers, how to improve my experience even more:
1) Is there an option to prevent computer going to sleep mode, when files are copied? (like in VLC - when VLC is open, computer will not go to sleep)

Normally windows should not put the computer to sleep of there are lots of reads/writes happening from the active application, I did some testing a while ago, but was never able to make the computer go to sleep during copy.  But it might depend on what power settings is used and from and to where the copy happens, And maybe also if MC is active and in focus or of it is minimize..