Hi there,
today i tested this nice little Commander to find out if it beats Total Commander/Speed Commander in some functions.
But thats another thing. Because MC is free, i decided to check the update function...
...and found a MAJOR bug in the update-system.
Installed the 32-Bit version of MC, then allowed updates of beta versions and updated MC
to v1.1.2 (build 808) - latest build.
Then i read the text about the expiring date wich is 1 year ahead.
I set the date to somewhat +1 Year (and a few days).
Launched MC and the Updater appears.
Checked for new version, logically none could be found.
NOW the Start Multi Commander Buton SHOULD appear in the updater,
instead only the Start button to look for updates appears AGAIN!
So MC could not be started if you set the date 1 Year ahead.
I think this behaviour is not intended by the author, or is it

Please fix it in the next version of MC.
Thanks for reading,
- beta monster -