1. ?? You edit registry values by double clicking and pressing return on a registry value
2. Yes. for new you must manually refresh registry path to see latest values. It does not recognize if something has change outside of MC.. (yet.)
3. Yes you are right.
Packing registry path hmm Do not do that

.. maybe need to but in some more locks on what can be done.
Registry values are handled as files. And when copying them out from the registry to disk they becomes files, and when copying them back into the registry it does not know what kind of datatype the registry value are. It tries to guess it, but sometimes it guess wrong. (Specially with binary data, that looks like string data)
I do not want to disable the copy registry value to file. As I find it very useful myself. But maybe a warning is needed first the you do it or something..
Recommended is to use "Export to reg file" from the context menu.