Author Topic: MultiDataViewer mouse scrolling is reversed  (Read 34270 times)


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MultiDataViewer mouse scrolling is reversed
« on: August 14, 2019, 00:03:55 »
Hi Mathias,

I noticed when viewing a text file with the built-in viewer, (F1), the expected mouse wheel scroll behavior is reversed.  Spinning the mouse wheel DOWN (toward me) should scroll the text content down, not up. 

Fixing this would make MC consistent with the existing scroll behavior in the file explorer panel (when there are many files in a single directory).  Scrolling down should move down, and scrolling up should scroll up.

Please consider fixing this in next beta.  Thanks!
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Mathias (Author)

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Re: MultiDataViewer mouse scrolling is reversed
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2019, 01:29:16 »
It does work like that.

MC get the settings on how to scroll from windows. And by default it scroll down when you spin toward you.
Not sure how you can get it to scroll up. Not sure what settings in widows control that.


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Re: MultiDataViewer mouse scrolling is reversed
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2019, 02:38:22 »
Hi, I think there is a small misunderstanding. Let me try to explain better. Here is a way to demonstrate the mouse scrolling behavior:
Navigate to your C:\Windows folder, and turn on the details mode. You should see many subfolders under Windows (more rows than can fit vertically in the panel display).  When you scroll down (toward you) using the mouse wheel, the scroll bars move down the folder list as expected, and the directory listing scrolls down perfectly.  This is what I want and it works fine.

However, if you view a text file using F1, and then scroll down (using the mouse wheel), the document DOES NOT scroll down toward the EOF.  The mouse scroll behavior is REVERSED in the text viewer. 

Issue: MC mouse scrolling behaves differently in MultiDataViewer (F1 on text files) vs. the file folder listing.  The MultiDataViewer is not interpreting the scroll behavior correctly for text files like it does in the file explorer panel.

It does not involve Windows or mouse settings.  MC iitself behaves differently for these 2 use cases. Hope that helps.  Great program!

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Re: MultiDataViewer mouse scrolling is reversed
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2019, 10:34:59 »
There is a settings in windows for these. MC get how many lines to scroll.. and if it is a negative or positive values it say what way to scroll.
But I do not now if Windows expose a settings for it.

However I don't get it to scroll wrong.  It scrolls the same way everywhere for me.. in MC, in Viewer, in Chrome, in Edge, in Windows Explorer.
I don't understand how it can scroll the other way for you in the viewer.  I can not recreate that

** If you show the log panel in MC (Ctrl+L) and scroll one of the logs there. Do you get the same error ?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 16:36:27 by Mathias (Author) »


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Re: MultiDataViewer mouse scrolling is reversed
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2019, 17:29:09 »
When I show the log (CTRL + L), the mouse-wheel scrolling behavior is reversed (when compared to mouse wheel scrolling in file explorer panel in details mode with many rows). 
I noticed the log initially opens at the very bottom (most recent event at bottom) and the scrollbar elevator box indicator (for lack of better term) is positioned on the bottom.  This is expected because it's showing the end of the file initially. 
However, in order to scroll to the top of the log using the mouse-wheel, I have spin mouse wheel toward me instead of away from me).  The scrolling is counter-intuitive and behaves backwards vs. the file explorer window (which is the correct and preferred scrolling behavior). 
I have windows set to scroll a whole screen at a time (in control panel). Can anyone else replicate this mouse wheel issue? 

The expected scrolling behavior for all windows programs (to me at least) is:
spin wheel North (up) and away from you -- moves cursor/elevator up the list (toward the top)
spin wheel South (down) and toward you -- moves cursor/elevator down the list (toward the bottom).

But in MC, the behavior varies based on which module you're scrolling in (text viewer, log, file explorer). It's a small issue, but a tad bit annoying.  Not a biggie but if its a quick fix, then would be good to adjust it and make it consistent across the board.

Thank you for your time

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Mathias (Author)

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Re: MultiDataViewer mouse scrolling is reversed
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2019, 20:45:02 »
And it is scrolling like that for me on all machine I verified on

I can't say why that text view is reversed for you. It is very strange.
I cannot recreate it.

MC ask windows about the scroll values , It does not get it itself from the registry. So I'm not sure what registry settings windows returns for that.
But there is a value in (It might be that. not sure)

User Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
Value Name: WheelScrollLines

What is you value of WheelScrollLines ?  is it negative ?


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Re: MultiDataViewer mouse scrolling is reversed
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2019, 10:56:25 »
@Anti-Bacterial, for what it's worth, I cannot reproduce this problem either: in fact I have never seen it in any program.

It has to be an issue with a setting on your PC or with your mouse settings.

Do you have any accessibility options enabled (even accidentally) in Windows?


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Re: MultiDataViewer mouse scrolling is reversed
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2019, 20:32:14 »
I do not have any accessibility options enabled in Windows.  In my registry, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop, my value for WheelScrollLines  = -1 which means scroll one page at a time.

The notepad.exe program (and all other windows software on my pc, including the Brave browser on this page content right now) interprets the wheel mouse scrolling correctly, but the MC MultiDataViewer and CTRL L log do not.  MC only scrolls correctly in the file window as described above.  I am surprised you cannot reproduce this.

The expected scrolling behavior for all Windows programs (to me at least) is:
spin wheel North (up) and away from you -- moves cursor up the list (toward the top)
spin wheel South (down) and toward you -- moves cursor down the list (toward the bottom).

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Re: MultiDataViewer mouse scrolling is reversed
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2019, 20:14:33 »
Mouse-wheel scrolling issue with MultiDataviewer text files has been fully resolved with MC (x64) 9.1 build 2548 beta.  Thank you!!
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