AlanJB, I tried doing that and no effect. There's actually multiple sections under Device Filtering that can look for it, and I unchecked all of them. Good suggestion to try though.
Mathias, I increased the logging level to Debug and you seem to be right, that it's hanging on adding the logical devices:
2021-05-11 09:49:53.095 Use extra UI thread for progress dialogs : 0
2021-05-11 09:49:53.173 Initilizing device manager
2021-05-11 09:49:53.217 [Device Manager] - Adding/Updating logical devices (A-Z)
2021-05-11 10:02:07.645 [Device Manager] - Adding/Updating Virtual folders - Started
2021-05-11 10:02:07.788 Dropbox appdata folder not found : "C:\Users\**USERNAME**\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox"
After trying to remove non-essential network mappings with no success, I was staring at all of the logic drives and realized I left a USB Floppy Drive plugged in from the day before trying to backup old assets. Unplugging that fixed it! I feel very silly now

. Not sure
what about having this device plugged in caused the hangup, but at least this device isn't essential for me to have plugged in.
Thanks for helping me troubleshoot that! If you'd like any followup info, let me know!