Author Topic: Saving Settings  (Read 17161 times)


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Saving Settings
« on: May 06, 2012, 03:27:35 »
Mathias Sir,
I am new to Multi Commander as well this forum. I downloaded Multi Commander 3-4 days back and installed it.
Before I put my question, I must say, I have other two pane Commanders too but I find this Multi Commander miles ahead than others, even paid ones. This Commander looks very strong an stable, no fanning around, means pure business, has almost all features needed. I must congratulate the Author for creating such a lovely software.
I am in process of customizing Multi Commander, therefore i am changing settings many times.
Is there any way to backup setting file in multiple copies so that I can go back one step or two or three.
Thanks in Advance.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Saving Settings
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2012, 12:05:57 »
No, there is no automatic way of reverting back settings.

You can export  and import settings using the export/import buttons in the settings panel. It will allow you do export and import just some specific settings.
Then there is also a backup and restore option under the help menu. It will backup all configuration files.
But most of the configuration files that are changed then customizing the UI is MultiCommander.xml and ZFileManager.xml so it might be easier to just create copies of them your self.

Go get to the folder where the configuration files are stored select
Menu > Help > Goto > Config Folder