Author Topic: Problems / Hick ups with file / folder coloring  (Read 5499 times)


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Problems / Hick ups with file / folder coloring
« on: November 27, 2024, 21:26:32 »
Hi Mathias,

I continue to encounter, problems or hick ups with the file / folder coloring.
It does not work 100 % reliably.

It just does not always color all files/folders that should be affected by the coloring rules. Sometimes no files / folders are colored at all, sometimes some are and some not.
As it seems to me, it might help a bit to deactivate "Explorer Panel Settings > Display > Refresh file coloring on forced refresh". But in general, the application of the coloring rules is not 100 % reliable here on my end.
Sometimes, a file or folder ist even displayed as just a white "empty" line. It is there in the list, but no name nor other properties are displayed. When I refresh, the file or folder is displayed ok again but another one is affected by the "white line" bug instead. As soon as I turn off file coloring, the "white line" bug disappears and all file / folder information is displayed fine.

All these symptoms appear sometimes and at other times it works as expected. I have not found a reason nor a pattern of when it occurs.
Any ideas?

regards, m.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Problems / Hick ups with file / folder coloring
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2024, 08:14:36 »
I see no issues with coloring.
But might depend on what rule and what else is happening.

Coloring is happening in the background after the files has been show, So If you go lots of files it can take a little before they colors popup.
But it can also depends on the rules. if the rules depend on information that are slow to fetch.
Also if the files are modified externally (specially network attached storage ) the Windows notification that files are updated are not always received, and coloring might not be refreshed