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Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Quick Access
« Last post by Matthias515566 on April 28, 2024, 09:23:49 »
Nevermind I added all my Quick Access folders to the Button Panel
How about using MC Tab Sessions instead of buttons on the Button Panel or Windows Quick Access?
Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Quick Access
« Last post by total_annihilation00 on April 27, 2024, 19:42:24 »
Shame, I would like to see this too ! I'am forced to contend /w folders\ files in Aliases & Favorites. Would boost my productivity significantly !! I have a very simple folder structure on my computer /w various folders for different content\ tasks. Quick Access is the glue that binds it all together.  :(
P.S: Nevermind I added all my Quick Access folders to the Button Panel !!  :D
MC has a MultiScript function GetWinShortcutTarget(). So the simplest multiscript UDC could look like:
Code: [Select]
@var $lnk = GetSourceFocusPath();

@var $path = GetWinShortcutTarget( $lnk );
MC.Explorer.Goto SOURCE="{$path}";

Thanks a lot, appreciate it !! That works brilliantly ! 8) Using it in "Custom Context Menu" after creating an UDC. I named it "Goto Actual FilePath Link" and used the filter *.lnk to work only on link files.
P.S: It also works on .qalnk files (QuickAdmin UAC-Bypass shortcut files) —that's an added bonus !!
P.P.S: Currently it doesn't work on Microsoft Store Apps shortcuts or DOSBox Games Launcher .lnk shortcuts (takes you to the DOSBox Games Launcher folder —maybe this is not a bug as it permeates through 3 different files when accessed.) Not that this is important, but thought I should let you know.
MC has a MultiScript function GetWinShortcutTarget(). So the simplest multiscript UDC could look like:
Code: [Select]
@var $lnk = GetSourceFocusPath();

@var $path = GetWinShortcutTarget( $lnk );
MC.Explorer.Goto SOURCE="{$path}";
What does "Show HotPath" (Ctrl+,) do ? I want a feature to Goto the the actual file path of an link (.lnk). Windows Explorer has a function for this ("Open file location") in Right-click menu, but it opens it in Explorer, wish MC had a similar function !! Is there a workaround to add this functionality ? Otherwise thrilled /w the new features & options !  :D
P.S: I would like to add the "Open file location" command to MC's "Custom Context Menu".
Copy using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V then MC will not handle the copy, the copy / paste command is sent to Windows, and it handle everything. So MC is waiting for the call to windows to Paste to complete.

To bad not a Crash Dumps is sent. That is the only way to see what module in Windows that is crashing..

Support and Feedback / Re: Crashed when moving files on the same panel
« Last post by killo on April 22, 2024, 11:34:20 »
Last crash report.

working in the right panel i see i haven't a file, the i goes gown one directory, the select ther , goes into thi new directory, copy a file (CVInfo.txt) using "CTRL+C", return to my original directory and copy with "CTRL-V", the the program hangs and after 3 o 4 seconds the MC closed a reopen.

A 15 seconds later opens a windows indicating the there was an error.


Here you have attached the error logs
Thanks, your idea with the icon could be the rootcause: Initially I only see for some exe-files "white empty" rectangle, a placeholder for the icon(?) and then after some time I see the icons
Support and Feedback / Re: Crashed when moving files on the same panel
« Last post by killo on April 21, 2024, 10:45:03 »
I don't know what you mean for special, for me it's quiet normal.

All the "copy" and "moves" are between normal nvme,ssd,hhd local drives.

When i do the operation ( move or copy ) the program don't seem to make nothing, i mean it's like the program hangs. Then the program close itself, start again and after a while create the report without ID.

If you want i could create a msinfo32 export file for you if you want to check my PC.
Hmm strange
Do you have some none standard columns enabled.. so it need to read the files to show the data for them ?
Attribute column should not cause it to download them, but if you for example have a column showing Image Size. or similar that needs to read the file content to show the data. then it might happen.

Hmm Only exe  hmm Maybe it is when it gets icon for exe file. But there should be check in that the file is a placeholder and not load it then. Hmm I will check..
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