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Support and Feedback / Re: Copy Window issues
« Last post by homeboy on July 02, 2024, 19:16:15 »
I tried CTRL+L but nothing really interesting except:
2024-07-02 18:56:45.049 [7656] WaitForState : wait for 6 , current state is 2
I got it several times, but then I abandonned the copy.
I tried again the copy but no more error and copy did not worked.
I also obtained the list of errors once, and all the files were flagged as "protected". I tried again with protected files forced but the move was still stuck.
In the day, I also had a ".htaccess" file which stuck a folder deletion.
I did not had the error box today, so nothing much to say here.
I did not pushed to far the tests because I wonder if once the copy/move/delete window had an issue, maybe all other tests are useless because of something stuck till I restart the program.

Note : using a portable version, not installed
Note 2 : I am using the application using a standard user, and also another instance (in a separate program folder) using administrator elevation

I also saw you have made a bunch of changes in the latest version regarding copy/move options to avoid the window to get stuck, I have not played too much with it but it is geatly appreciated
Support and Feedback / Re: Copy Window issues
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on June 30, 2024, 22:20:33 »
I copy/move windows profile just to ensure I have all the files that might end up there ; it is not intended to be restored (so it is not a backup).
Some of the files where "special" Windows ones, and some errors might also be due to the file not accessible for a while (overload of either the source or the destination).

I report the errors because I think you should catch them to handle them because when I tried it, I was stuck (no retry/skip worked), I had to abandon the window.
I only try to help to improve the product and be constructive, there is no critism, this is a very good tool!

Thanks for have taken into account my feedbacks

Hardware/Filesystem issue like that are hard to test without having devices with those issues on. Normally the auto error handing will handled and auto skip error. So this error must happen in a situation that is out of that process control.
that is very strange. If you see the error again. Look in the fileoperation log (Ctrl+L) and see if its report any more information. Sometimes where is more information on what it tries to do that failed.
Support and Feedback / Re: Copy Window issues
« Last post by homeboy on June 30, 2024, 18:43:25 »
I copy/move windows profile just to ensure I have all the files that might end up there ; it is not intended to be restored (so it is not a backup).
Some of the files where "special" Windows ones, and some errors might also be due to the file not accessible for a while (overload of either the source or the destination).

I report the errors because I think you should catch them to handle them because when I tried it, I was stuck (no retry/skip worked), I had to abandon the window.
I only try to help to improve the product and be constructive, there is no critism, this is a very good tool!

Thanks for have taken into account my feedbacks
Support and Feedback / Re: Copy Window issues
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on June 30, 2024, 09:53:03 »
MultiCommander is not suitable for synchronizing or backing up Windows profile files. You should use backup software for that purpose. Many files are in use and cannot be copied. For synchronizing configuration files of programs, I use Beyond Compare. However, even with that, you should not copy, back up, or synchronize the entire Windows profile.

Problem with copying the Windows folders is that lots of files there are very special. For example there are lots of duplicated files that are filesystem hardlinks. So copying a Windows folder will mess that up. and also take a lot more space the the original folder.
Also some area is protected and Windows will virtualize some folders unless you run the program in a special mode. Backup of system drive is best done with doing a image of the drives.
Support and Feedback / Re: Copy Window issues
« Last post by Matthias515566 on June 29, 2024, 12:58:28 »
MultiCommander is not suitable for synchronizing or backing up Windows profile files. You should use backup software for that purpose. Many files are in use and cannot be copied. For synchronizing configuration files of programs, I use Beyond Compare. However, even with that, you should not copy, back up, or synchronize the entire Windows profile.
Support and Feedback / Re: Copy Window issues
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on June 29, 2024, 10:24:38 »
I tried the latest version and I obtain such attached error window, note sure the error code is always the same one. For sure, this error occurs when the file cannot be copied (protected windows file?) and in this copy used a UNC network source.
I am not sure, but it is also possible that this error occurs when moving files from an UNC path to a local one?

Windows Error 1920 - ERROR_CANT_ACCESS_FILE - The file cannot be accessed by the system.

Don't think it is becuse of protected. then the error code is Access denied. That error code is not common, I dont think I ever seen it.

Searching online for it. It look like you get that error code for I/O error.. HW issues or FileSystem Issues with device

Support and Feedback / Re: Copy Window issues
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on June 29, 2024, 10:20:45 »
Just a few more informations:
- I experienced an error when moving the copy dialog right away after launching the copy/move and just before getting the confirmation dialog (some kind of unhandled exception)
- I also experienced an error while moving files from a complete Windows profile (I think it was the error 59) from a network share to an external USB disk. It might be some special files. I had to restart 2 or 3 times the move operation to move all the files but I cannot say if the error lost some of the files
Thanks again, I hope this can help on improving the copy part of this product

Without more precises information on what cause the copy issue it is hard to fix anything. Was you running as admin ? Can it be permissions error,

Win Error 58 is ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP (The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.)

Support and Feedback / Re: Copy Window issues
« Last post by homeboy on June 29, 2024, 09:52:51 »
I tried the latest version and I obtain such attached error window, note sure the error code is always the same one. For sure, this error occurs when the file cannot be copied (protected windows file?) and in this copy used a UNC network source.
I am not sure, but it is also possible that this error occurs when moving files from an UNC path to a local one?
Yeah, so there is not some kind of external Windows-shell / OS-native copy involved when using CTRL-V in MC? It really looks like this is the case.

I am thinking that, because the Windows progress dialog comes up and because the "created" date stamp is reset to current date, just like Windows and Explorer do it all the time and also because the replace dialog of Windows can pop up. I can't say why MC is not doing the copy on its own and preserve the date stamps as I set in the preferences. Maybe there is some other related setting I overlooked? I checked again, "Keep date stamps" is checked, CTRL-V though, does not restore them.

I have to remember to NOT USE the clipboard CTRL-C+V it seems, kind of difficult! o)

Ctrl+C/V the copy is handled by Windows.. since you can copy files from "strange" none normal location using that, So windows need to handle it

Just press F5/F2 to copy.. much easier..
Support and Feedback / Re: Diference between Copy and Copy Quick?!..
« Last post by tbone on June 27, 2024, 19:08:34 »
Yeah, so there is not some kind of external Windows-shell / OS-native copy involved when using CTRL-V in MC? It really looks like this is the case.

I am thinking that, because the Windows progress dialog comes up and because the "created" date stamp is reset to current date, just like Windows and Explorer do it all the time and also because the replace dialog of Windows can pop up. I can't say why MC is not doing the copy on its own and preserve the date stamps as I set in the preferences. Maybe there is some other related setting I overlooked? I checked again, "Keep date stamps" is checked, CTRL-V though, does not restore them.

I have to remember to NOT USE the clipboard CTRL-C+V it seems, kind of difficult! o)
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