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Support and Feedback / Re: Copy Window issues
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on June 29, 2024, 10:20:45 »
Just a few more informations:
- I experienced an error when moving the copy dialog right away after launching the copy/move and just before getting the confirmation dialog (some kind of unhandled exception)
- I also experienced an error while moving files from a complete Windows profile (I think it was the error 59) from a network share to an external USB disk. It might be some special files. I had to restart 2 or 3 times the move operation to move all the files but I cannot say if the error lost some of the files
Thanks again, I hope this can help on improving the copy part of this product

Without more precises information on what cause the copy issue it is hard to fix anything. Was you running as admin ? Can it be permissions error,

Win Error 58 is ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP (The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.)

Support and Feedback / Re: Copy Window issues
« Last post by homeboy on June 29, 2024, 09:52:51 »
I tried the latest version and I obtain such attached error window, note sure the error code is always the same one. For sure, this error occurs when the file cannot be copied (protected windows file?) and in this copy used a UNC network source.
I am not sure, but it is also possible that this error occurs when moving files from an UNC path to a local one?
Yeah, so there is not some kind of external Windows-shell / OS-native copy involved when using CTRL-V in MC? It really looks like this is the case.

I am thinking that, because the Windows progress dialog comes up and because the "created" date stamp is reset to current date, just like Windows and Explorer do it all the time and also because the replace dialog of Windows can pop up. I can't say why MC is not doing the copy on its own and preserve the date stamps as I set in the preferences. Maybe there is some other related setting I overlooked? I checked again, "Keep date stamps" is checked, CTRL-V though, does not restore them.

I have to remember to NOT USE the clipboard CTRL-C+V it seems, kind of difficult! o)

Ctrl+C/V the copy is handled by Windows.. since you can copy files from "strange" none normal location using that, So windows need to handle it

Just press F5/F2 to copy.. much easier..
Support and Feedback / Re: Diference between Copy and Copy Quick?!..
« Last post by tbone on June 27, 2024, 19:08:34 »
Yeah, so there is not some kind of external Windows-shell / OS-native copy involved when using CTRL-V in MC? It really looks like this is the case.

I am thinking that, because the Windows progress dialog comes up and because the "created" date stamp is reset to current date, just like Windows and Explorer do it all the time and also because the replace dialog of Windows can pop up. I can't say why MC is not doing the copy on its own and preserve the date stamps as I set in the preferences. Maybe there is some other related setting I overlooked? I checked again, "Keep date stamps" is checked, CTRL-V though, does not restore them.

I have to remember to NOT USE the clipboard CTRL-C+V it seems, kind of difficult! o)
Support and Feedback / Re: Lock Tab not working
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on June 27, 2024, 16:58:27 »
Yes, tried that. Same results.
I'm just going to re-install and see what happens.

Strange.. That should work.
Only think I can imagine is that there is some conflict with the settings on what to save on exit
Support and Feedback / Re: Lock Tab not working
« Last post by evertdejongh on June 27, 2024, 16:00:03 »
Yes, tried that. Same results.
I'm just going to re-install and see what happens.
Support and Feedback / Re: Lock Tab not working
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on June 27, 2024, 14:49:47 »
I'm not able to recreate that. I cannot make it fail.

Have you changed some settings around how tabs should work in Explorer Panel Settings or what should be saved on exit ?
Have you turned off  "Remember open path" ? in "Save on exit" for Explorer Panel settings ?
Ah, ok! o)

It's a bit confusing, suddenly there is a filename instead of a folder path in the "Copy files to.." field and it only seems to work for 1 of many selected items.
Still useful, since the date stamps will be copied when "duplicating" this way instead of using CTRL+C and CTRL-V (which seems to use the Windows shell "Copy" method, which does not preserve "Date created").

Alright, thank you! o)

Yes when you do quick copy.. When doing normal copy you get the target location.  F5/F2 (depending on keysetup)

Copy / Paste are made to copy some data from one program to another. it is made to be used to copy files.. When you copy / paste a file from one program to another. It just tell the other program
File copy this file(s) I have here in this path stored as plain text

Support and Feedback / Lock Tab not working
« Last post by evertdejongh on June 27, 2024, 13:33:57 »
I am trying to lock one tab (my downloads folder) but after i closed and re-open MC it just goes back to C-drive root.
I go to 'C:\Users\{user}\Downloads' folder, then hide folder tree and then 'Lock Tab'.
I close and re-open MC and then this tab just shows C:\ .
It not suppose to open the 'downloads' folder again?
Delete/Rename are not in the MC menu because they are dupicates in the shell menu. but maybe can be added.

Yes, I got missing items into that "native" MC context menu somehow, a "Properties" entry as well.. it seems to work for now, thx! o)

I normally don't make much use of the Windows shell context menu items, only in rare cases. The shell menu is also quite large and messy the longer you run your Windows installation, some tools don't ask whether to integrate into the shell menu, they just do and over time, this menu is bloated with "things".. o)

So I prefer to use a native file manager context menu if it is available, it should work quicker and should be more tidy as well! o)
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