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Support and Feedback / FourCC column shows nothing
« Last post by killo on May 07, 2024, 11:20:03 »
I have a problem with the FourCC column because shows "nothing" as you could see in the image.

Is it necessary to install any additional software?

The mediainfo shows this:

Support and Feedback / Re: Hotkey to compare folders-advanced
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on May 05, 2024, 09:37:39 »
You can assign a hotkey for that command.. all command you see in the menu you can assign keys for

In Keyboard customization,  select "Explorer Panel" as module.. and "Global" as category.. then at the bottom of the list you should find it
Support and Feedback / Re: Hotkey to compare folders-advanced
« Last post by Cagu on May 04, 2024, 12:21:14 »
Hello Mathias,

Thanks so much for your answer and the general fantastic work on the program.
Remembering the last settings sounds good.
Does this mean a hotkey is not possible due to the program structure?

Best regards
User Contributed Content / Re: ULTIMATE FILE MANAGER
« Last post by Pawel on May 02, 2024, 16:38:10 »
1 of May, 2024
Ultimate File Manager 11.5 is ready for download!

Ultimate File Manager 11.5 is a release that brings bug fixes and component updates. However, the most important change is the design and implementation of new website for project (

One of important change is UFM App Manager update (formerly UFM Shell Manager). UFM App Manager app is a part of Ultimate File Manager project. It allows you to Open (F3 key) or Edit (F4 key) files with a specific extension (file type) in the selected application (previously defined by the user). You can also open files/directories using Windows Shell (Files Explorer) with UFM Shell Extension Library. Application name and its icon has changed. Several changes have also been introduced for future changes to the program (making it easier to manage user applications - those from the UFM project and those already located on the user's computer).

UFM 11.5 version also brings improvements in the installer and in all internal applications (administrator mode). External applications and Total Commander file manager plug-ins have also been updated.


UFM Information | UFM Statistics

Give it a try! Enjoy! If you see any problem or have a sugesion, please report it.
Dont forget to make a donation. Thanks!

Ps: Big thanks to Mathias, for developing Multi Commander - the best freeware File Manager all over the world!
Support and Feedback / Re: Hotkey to compare folders-advanced
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on May 01, 2024, 12:31:04 »
In the current beta for next version 14.x it will remember the settings you used last time
Support and Feedback / Re: Hotkey to compare folders-advanced
« Last post by Cagu on May 01, 2024, 12:13:08 »
Does anyone have a suggestion for a solution please?

That path is actually not extra long, it is less then 260 characters..
BUT I think you are using the wrong command type.
you are using say you use "external" type of command.. And then you use "MC.Explorer.Goto" that is for custom commands..  External is if you want to run a external program. the entire command is to Windows to launch it.
So then you cannot use any MC specific commands link MC.Exporer.Goto and such.

So if you change type to "Custom commands" instead it should work
Or if you want it to run an external program. then just have the path there without the MC.Explorer.Goto.. then Windows will start the .pdf with the program associated with pdf

Oh wow, it's working now ! I just wanted it to Goto that folder, I don't know why it wasn't working before —& yeah I meant Button Editor's "Custom Commands", not "External." Anyway I re-entered it & it works, thanks !  ;D
That path is actually not extra long, it is less then 260 characters..
BUT I think you are using the wrong command type.
you are using say you use "external" type of command.. And then you use "MC.Explorer.Goto" that is for custom commands..  External is if you want to run a external program. the entire command is to Windows to launch it.
So then you cannot use any MC specific commands link MC.Exporer.Goto and such.

So if you change type to "Custom commands" instead it should work
Or if you want it to run an external program. then just have the path there without the MC.Explorer.Goto.. then Windows will start the .pdf with the program associated with pdf
There's a bug in MC when opening a really lengthy path with a huge-length filename via the Button Panel. I mean I can access "D:\Download\DL Dir\pendrive\web content\cyberpunk ebooks\backups\USB\Computer Graphics\" directly but not via the Button Panel, it also contains a filename which is really long: "Mathematics for Computer Graphics and Game Programming A Self-Teaching Introduction (D. P. Kothari, G. Awari, D. Shrimankar etc.) (" so that might also be contributing towards it ! Can you fix it so that MC "Command Type > External" "MC.Explorer.Goto SOURCE="D:\Download\DL Dir\pendrive\web content\cyberpunk ebooks\backups\USB\Computer Graphics\" long paths like this can be accessed again ?! I get the error "Failed to launch program | The system cannot find the file specified."
Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Quick Access
« Last post by total_annihilation00 on April 29, 2024, 03:22:58 »
How about using MC Tab Sessions instead of buttons on the Button Panel or Windows Quick Access?

O.K. thanks a lot, I will look into it !
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