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I am making another attempt here to clarify things. And bring objective proof to sustain my bug report.
In the video, in the left I have the phone, in the right I have the archive.
I am making 4 attempts to copy one file from the archive to the phone.
The first 2 are started by key F5. The last 2 are by dragging.
As you can see, from the user's perspective they are absolutely identical, because they produce identical results. One of them being that MC does not show the dialog saying it not possible to do that copy. And the other being that the operation fails.
Now, it would be much preferable to fix this by uncompressing into %temp% and copy from there to phone.
I mean much preferable to just showing a dialog that it is not possible. :D
Using F5 it shows the dialog.. Drag and drop do not show it because it gets in using another way..

Support and Feedback / Re: Column autosizing in List view
« Last post by ags on January 19, 2025, 17:51:49 »
Please, please consider improving the List mode in MC. Because now it is there but it is not useful at all.

So in List mode it is important to:
- calculate the proper column width, so the size of the columns would be equal to the size of the longest name in the list, plus its extension;
- ignore the header (the one with Name, Ext, Size, Date). In List mode the header is there only for sorting, not for width;
- show the most important properties of the file to the user. Since the size, the date and the time of the file are not shown in columns in the panel, thay have to be shown somewhere: under the table. Otherwise you leave the user to fly blind.

List mode exists to allow the user to navigate easily through files. Notably, to be able to use the left_arrow and right_arrow, keys that do not work in Details mode.

Please see the screenshots attached. I highlighted the most important parts in colors red, green, blue.

TC ignores the header (red) and calculates the column width after the longest name+ext (green) and shows useful properties of the selected object (blue). The result? The user can easily see the full length of the names, and also under the table there is the size, date and time of the selected file. All is good. All the other orthodox file managers do this.

MC makes the header (red) and the column (green) equal in width. This makes no sense, it defeats the whole purpose of List mode. The result? The user cannot see all the long names because thay are truncated, and has no simple way of seeing the size, date and time of the object under the cursor at a glance, because under the table MC shows statistics of the selected files, less important info. :-\
I do not usually drag-and-drop with the mouse for copy. As I mentioned in the post above, I used drag-and-drop just for clarity: I wanted you to be able to see all my actions on the video. Normally I use F5 for copy in all cases.

Again, regarding using drag-and-drop or F5, it doesn't really matter in this case. Either way, MC does not show the dialog saying it not possible to do that action.
Forgot that people uses the mouse to do copy.
Think it is becuse you use drag n drop.. Drag to copy do so much more (so that it can be dragged externally and so on..) so it mess something up I guess..

Support and Feedback / Re: Switching Windows
« Last post by AlanJB on January 19, 2025, 12:44:08 »

Try the following.

1. Configure Right panel as you wish with default ("starting") tab selected
2. Configure Left panel as you wish with default ("starting") tab selected
3. Menu -> File -> Tab and choose "Save tabs to file..."
4. In the dialog that opens choose "Save All Tabs" and click "Save"
5. Create a new MultiScript UDC as below - bind it to a hotkey and/or add to a menu if you wish

Code: [Select]
// Reload Default Tab Layout

@var $xTabFile = "${mcconfigpath}" + "\\MultiCommander Tab Config.mctab";

Support and Feedback / Re: Switching Windows
« Last post by Jungle on January 18, 2025, 19:32:51 »
You can create a custom command which activates the left panel, and then launch MC with the command line parameter -AutoRun=[your custom command]
Update: tested this on Windows 10 and MC still does not show the dialog saying it not possible.
So it does not depend on Windows' implementation of MTP protocol. It is something in MC itself.
Support and Feedback / Re: Switching Windows
« Last post by wynford on January 18, 2025, 01:15:35 »
Hmmm didn't work for me... no problem though, I can live with it.
Support and Feedback / Small typo in tip of the day #29
« Last post by ags on January 17, 2025, 14:58:35 »
See screenshot.
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