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Messages - AlanJB

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Support and Feedback / Re: auto sort after name chagne does not work
« on: October 30, 2021, 13:00:41 »
Have you checked "Automatically re-sort Files and folders after a manual rename" in Explorer Panel Settings?

Support and Feedback / Re: Go up ".." don't show
« on: October 25, 2021, 16:01:48 »
I cannot reproduce this even when I sort folders/files by Ext (as you do).

What version of MC are you using and is it Installed or Portable?

Support and Feedback / Re: Go up ".." don't show
« on: October 25, 2021, 00:40:53 »
What kind of drive is Z: - an SSD; an HDD; a VM drive; a subst drive; a USB pen drive; a NAS drive; an SD card; a mounted ISO image?  Something else?

[..] represents the parent of ANY subfolder in ALL windows operating systems since Windows 1.1.  Only a drive "root" (A:, B:, C:, ... Z:) will not have a [..] parent.

Menu > Configuration > Core settings > Layout:  uncheck Show close button in the tab.

You will need MultiScript for this, using the function GetSelectedPaths().

Beta Releases / Re: version 11.3 BETA (Last updated 16-Sep-21)
« on: September 18, 2021, 11:36:08 »
There is no interface for them. and will not be, It will be a special file that allowes for path to be overwritten. (Mainly for IT Pros that want to control stuff for users. but also other reasons)
But info will come when they are better tested better finalized

OK.  Thanks Mathias.

Beta Releases / Re: version 11.3 BETA (Last updated 16-Sep-21)
« on: September 17, 2021, 14:51:10 »
ADDED - Support for Changing Config/Log/Userdata path
ADDED - Support for redirecting some config files to locations.

Mathias, can I have a bit more info on these option, please?

I can't see any way to access them through the interface...

Beta Releases / Re: version 11.3 BETA (Last updated 10-Sep-21)
« on: September 10, 2021, 14:34:39 »
Can confirm build 2810 fixes the issue.

Thanks Mathias  :)

Beta Releases / Re: version 11.3 BETA (Last updated 10-Sep-21)
« on: September 10, 2021, 13:57:51 »
I can confirm the same problem as @Ulfhednar.

For your second problem:

Menu > Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings > [Display] tab > Sorting and Columns > Automatically re-sort files and folders after a manual rename.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Jump to file/folder
« on: July 18, 2021, 14:31:26 »
Which version of MultiCommander?

Do you mean it just stopped working or it has never worked?

Support and Feedback / Re: Update from v10 to v11.2
« on: July 16, 2021, 19:39:36 »
Not a problem really, @Mathias.

It was trivial to complete the conversion.

Thanks :)

Support and Feedback / Re: Update from v10 to v11.2
« on: July 05, 2021, 17:20:31 »

Apologies if I was not clear enough...

I updated from v10.2 to v11.2 and was created in the Scripts folder.
Each .udc file in the .zip referenced one of my original script files (as I expected).
But none of my MultiScripts would work until I manually converted them.

I thought that conversion was automatic.

Is that clearer?


Support and Feedback / Update from v10 to v11.2
« on: July 04, 2021, 19:28:15 »

Can you confirm that MultiScript UDCs will not work after the update until each one is converted to the new format (I thought the conversion was automatic)?

Although the was created in the Scripts folder and each .udc file referenced a #file: in my original script files (eg. Copy File In Focus.mcs), none of them worked...

Can you clarify the conversion process, please?

Can confirm this is fixed in build 2794  :)

I can confirm the issue.

I don't like the idea with a settings. I'm trying to avoid settings for everything, MC is already in settings hell

But how about if you hold Ctrl key while clicking on menu > file > exit, so it will not ask if CTRL key is pressed while doing it ?

This would get my vote, Mathias  :D

Beta Releases / Re: v11.1 ** BETA ** (Updated 5-Apr)
« on: May 26, 2021, 12:04:33 »
Can you tell me where I can download the zip installer for portable MultiCommander_x64_Update_(
MultiUpdate works also for the portable version. But maybe you need this for a offline-computer? Then can you synchronizing the program folder of a online-computer with the program folder of the offline-computer. The most time is it enough when you update the "MultiCommander.exe".

Matthias, I have already upgraded to build 2782, but I like to keep a copy of each portable zip during Beta testing, and I seem to have "lost" this one  :o

Beta Releases / Re: v11.1 ** BETA ** (Updated 5-Apr)
« on: May 26, 2021, 12:02:34 »
Hi Mathias.

Can you tell me where I can download the zip installer for portable MultiCommander_x64_Update_(

The beta is not available as a installer yet, Final should be ready soon. Only have a couple of minor things to fix before release.

OK.  Thanks for the update.

Beta Releases / Re: v11.1 ** BETA ** (Updated 5-Apr)
« on: May 25, 2021, 16:53:48 »
Hi Mathias.

Can you tell me where I can download the zip installer for portable MultiCommander_x64_Update_(



Menu > Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings > Device Filtering Tab

Expand 'Explorer panel device dropdown'
Check 'Override default settings'
Uncheck 'Dropbox'

Any improvement?

Beta Releases / Re: v11.1 ** BETA ** (Updated 28-Mar)
« on: March 29, 2021, 12:16:02 »
Thanks for the new beta!

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