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Messages - art-101

Pages: [1]
How about this idea as an alternative to to pre-allocating disk space.

Before you start a copy or move process there is a function that checks to see if there is enough space on the target for your source to move into?
Either a way to have it run automatically on a copy/move or a separate function so a button or short cut can be set up to check for available space on target?

Not sure I've explained that very well.

Sorry for bumping an old topic but thought it was relevant.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Drag and Drop button Editor
« on: December 10, 2015, 14:52:45 »
That's great, thanks for the reply.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Drag and Drop button Editor
« on: December 09, 2015, 17:41:03 »
New user here and really enjoying MC.
Slowly tweaking little things to how I feel comfortable working or working out how I'd like things so I can plan what I need to learn what to do etc but one thing that would make organising my button layout a lot easier and quicker is a drag and drop button editor.

Yeah we can swap a button around but that feels like an awful lot of clicks to get where you want.

I'd love to be able to go into the button editor and just drag a button from one location and drop it to where I'd like it and it would swap the locations between the two buttons, maybe have a trash can on the Button editor window so if there is a button you don't like just drag it to that window and it's gone.

Maybe also have a button painter so you have a colour scheme you like for one set of buttons you can just click on a paint button and then drag your cursor over the buttons to make them all that colour.

I've no idea how possible this is but feel they would make customizing layouts a lot quicker.



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